
Faculty Member Receives Certificate of Appreciation From the National eLearning Center

Faculty Member Receives Certificate of Appreciation From the National eLearning Center

Faculty of Languages and Translation

In November 2021, the National eLearning Center (NELC) granted Mohsin Raza Khan a certificate of appreciation for his exemplary work in reviewing a course on the FutureX learning management system. The FutureX platform, launched in October 2021, seeks to unite institutions across the Kingdom in a collective effort to advance the human capital development goals outlined in Vision 2030.

Mohsin expressed enthusiasm about FutureX and the ASAS initiative's forward-looking plans, stating, "As a course reviewer, I drew upon my expertise as a Quality Matters master reviewer to ensure the Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) adhered to best practices. Many of the key practices and areas under review align closely with the E-Learning Practitioner course, an annual program administered by the Deanship of E-Learning."

In addition to his role as a course reviewer, Mohsin spearheaded the E-Learning Practitioner certification course in November 2021. The program, run annually by the Deanship of E-Learning, reached numerous participants throughout King Khalid University. The course aimed to boost student engagement, interaction, and quality learning.

The core objectives of the program were designed to empower participants to:

  • Develop diverse content items, presenting a range of learning activities to enrich student learning.
  • Implement authentic assessments to appraise student knowledge in a multitude of meaningful contexts.
  • Utilize Blackboard communication tools to foster interactions among students, instructors, and course content.
  • Leverage the capabilities of Blackboard Collaborate™ tools to heighten student engagement by enabling knowledge sharing and creation.

Mohsin's dedication and commitment to enhancing the e-learning experience underscore the broader mission of the Faculty of Languages and Translation to foster educational innovation and excellence.