
New Approaches to Building Online Courses in Blackboard

New Approaches to Building Online Courses in Blackboard

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On February 5, 2020, under the guidance of Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, Vice Dean for Academic Development and Quality, and Mohsin Khan, E-Learning Supervisor for the Bachelor of Arts in English program, a comprehensive webinar titled 'Using Blackboard to Build Online Courses' was conducted. This webinar, organized by the Tamkeen team at the Deanship of E-Learning, focused on utilizing Blackboard effectively and familiarizing participants with its essential tools. It was attended by approximately 170 faculty members from various academic faculties across the university.

The content delivered by Mr. Khan covered an introduction to, and best practices of:

  • Utilizing Blackboard course management tools,
  • Understanding the fundamentals of building online courses using the Quality Matters (QM) Rubric,
  • Creating quizzes, tests, and assignments,
  • Using the discussion board, making announcements, and organizing 'start here' content areas,
  • Establishing online sessions using Blackboard Collaborate Ultra.

As part of its commitment, the Faculty of Languages and Translation continually strives to provide specialized training and services to all faculties. The successful completion of this webinar testifies to this dedication, and with the continuous efforts of the Tamkeen Team, similar future webinars are anticipated.

In closing, we would like to extend our gratitude to Mohammed Jarallah, the E-learning Deanship Training Manager, for his unwavering and comprehensive support throughout this event.