
Fall 2019 Student Activities Closing Ceremony: English Club Encourages Increased Participation

Fall 2019 Student Activities Closing Ceremony: English Club Encourages Increased Participation

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On November 19, 2019, under the patronage of Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, the English Club held a distinguished closing award ceremony. The event, held at 11 a.m. in Auditorium 5, celebrated the end of activities conducted during the first semester of the current academic year. The ceremony was attended by a host of dignitaries, including Dr. Yahya Asiri, Vice Dean of Academic Development & Quality, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, Department Chairman, Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa, Vice Dean for Academic Development & Quality, along with numerous faculty members and students.

The ceremony kicked off with a moving recitation of the Holy Quran by student Saeed Al-Qahtani. This was followed by brief speeches from Dean Al-Melhi and English Club Director Faisal Alfadhil. A riveting five-minute video showcasing the myriad activities carried out by the English Club was screened on the stage. Ali Al-Jaser capped off the introductions with a beautifully recited poem.

In his address, Dean Al-Melhi lauded the tireless efforts of the English Club members and participants who contributed to the successful completion of the semester's activities. On behalf of the English Club, Saud Al-Shahrani extended heartfelt thanks for the harmonious collaboration demonstrated by all members, mentioning their commitment to meet even on weekends to arrange the club's events.

To express gratitude for their unwavering support and encouragement, commemorative shields were presented to Dean Al-Melhi, Vice Dean Asiri, and Chairman Alhamami. This symbolic gesture was a token of appreciation for their dedication to providing necessary facilities and backing the English Club in accomplishing its objectives.

The ceremony proceeded with the presentation of certificates of appreciation to faculty members who had delivered workshops or presentations. Dr. Eyhab Abdulrazak Bader Eddin was recognized for his workshop on 'Translation: A Broad Overview Weaving Its Threads Together'. Dr. Karem Abdelatif Ahmed received a certificate for his time management workshop, while Dr. Ahlullah Siddiqui was honored for his insightful presentation on figurative language.

The ceremony further celebrated the achievements of students who distinguished themselves in university-level competitions, including Ali Al-Jaser for poetry and Ahmed Al-Shehri in Karate. Special recognition was accorded to Abdulrahim Al-Qahtani (first place), Abdulkarim Suleiman (second place), and Mohamed Hamed (third place) for their remarkable performances in various competitions.

The event concluded with an acknowledgment of the 'unsung heroes' who tirelessly worked behind the scenes to enable the English Club to reach its goals. The list included Faisal Al-Dossari, Tamim Mohammed, Saud Al-Shahrani, Fawaz Al-Qahtani, Saeed Al-Qahtani, Abdulrahman Al-Amer, Abdulrahim Al-Qahtani, Ali Al-Jaser, Muhsari Al-Qahtani, Saad Al-Shahrani, Mohammed Al-Qahtani, Mohammed Al-Yami, Abdulkarim Al-Shahrani, and Faisal Al-Shahrani.