
clt Recognizes Former Social Media Content Administrator and Website Translator

clt Recognizes Former Social Media Content Administrator and Website Translator

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On October 9, 2019, the Faculty of Languages and Translation (clt) honored Mr. Sayed Mohammed Abdul Karim and Dr. Hassan Mahill for their exceptional contributions to the department's digital communication initiatives. Dean Abdullah Al-Melhi bestowed upon each a certificate of recognition, expressing gratitude for their efforts in maintaining clt's strong digital media presence. Echoing the Dean's sentiment, Department Chairman, Dr. Munassir Alhamami, stated, "We have been privileged to have both of you on our team for several years, and we wish you nothing but the best." Currently assigned to the English Language Center (ELC), Mr. Karim and Dr. Mahill's impactful service will always be remembered fondly.

From November 1, 2016, to September 1, 2019, Mr. Sayed Mohammed Abdul Karim was entrusted with the critical role of Social Media Content Administrator for the clt. In this capacity, he was responsible for keeping the department's social media accounts continually updated. As social media forms an integral part of clt's public relations strategy and internal communication, maintaining relevance and timeliness of information shared is a challenging task. Mr. Abdul Karim executed this role with exceptional finesse, ensuring consistent management of our social media platforms.

Dr. Hassan Mahill served as the Website Translator from April 1, 2017, to September 1, 2019. The clt frequently publishes multilingual static pages in both Arabic and English. Dr. Mahill's role involved translating web content from English to Arabic and vice versa. Successful translation requires not only linguistic proficiency but also an understanding of the nuances of both languages in an educational context. Dr. Mahill consistently demonstrated these skills, capturing both the literal meaning and the spirit of the complex web content.

The website team strongly believes in expressing gratitude and recognition for everyone who contributes to our success, including past and present faculty members. Our current team stands on the solid foundation laid by our predecessors. While space constraints prevent individual recognition, each person's contributions have played a significant role in our accomplishments. We also extend our appreciation to those who, while not members of the clt Web team, significantly contribute to our ongoing success through content submissions.

Maintaining a robust digital media presence is a characteristic of all leading universities. Our website and social media platforms are crucial aspects of King Khalid University's global reach. Quality web presence for each college within the university significantly influences international institutional rankings. Besides providing current news and information, the website also serves as a repository for historical information about the college and its activities.