
Exploring Multimodal Analysis: A Seminar by Dr. Barbara Rumbinas at King Khalid University

Exploring Multimodal Analysis: A Seminar by Dr. Barbara Rumbinas at King Khalid University

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On February 27, 2019, the Language Research Center of King Khalid University was delighted to host a presentation delivered by Dr. Barbara Rumbinas.

The crux of Dr. Rumbinas's presentation was the intriguing concept of Multimodal Analysis. An interdisciplinary methodology, Multimodal Analysis recognizes that communicative acts extend beyond mere verbal exchanges or written texts. Dr. Rumbinas explained that these acts of communication are intricate events that generate meaning through various mediums. These include visuals, spoken words, gestures, written text, and other three-dimensional modes of interaction.

She went on to detail how the Multimodal Approach to research seeks to investigate the interaction of these elements. Furthermore, it endeavors to understand their interrelationships and intrarelationships, with the aim of uncovering underlying ideological perspectives and power dynamics.

The seminar, enriched by Dr. Rumbinas's expertise, proved to be highly informative and was deemed a great success. It provided the attendees with valuable insights into the vast scope and potential of Multimodal Analysis.