
Winter Picnic

Winter Picnic

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On Wednesday, January 30th, the Women's English Club of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, in association with the Deanship of Student Affairs, orchestrated a program titled 'Winter Picnic'. Held in the indoor hall of building C from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m., the event offered attendees a blend of educational discussion and leisure activities.

The program was inaugurated by Dr. Suaad, Mrs. Safiah, and Mrs. Maram, along with the members of the English Club, as they extended a warm welcome to the student attendees. The program was imbued with inspirational ideas and conversations around the participants' academic life, encouraging a lively exchange of experiences and perspectives.

Adding a dash of merriment to the scholarly atmosphere, the students had arranged a food corner, providing a variety of treats. A ground seating area was also set up, fostering a relaxed and cozy ambiance for the attendees. To top off the successful event, attendees were treated with gifts as a token of appreciation for their participation. The 'Winter Picnic' indeed proved to be a harmonious fusion of academia and social gathering, promoting a sense of community among the students.