Our Coursebooks: Friends or Foes?
On December 01, 2014, the Language Research Center at King Khalid University organized a seminar featuring a presentation titled "Our Coursebooks: Friends and Foes?" conducted by Mr. Mohammad Adil. The presentation focused on evaluating the effectiveness of the textbooks used in the skill courses at four levels within the Department of English. Mr. Adil presented the findings of a case study he conducted, which aimed to determine the perception of Department of English teachers regarding the effectiveness of these books. Based on the case study, practical suggestions were provided on how to use the textbooks efficiently and judiciously, with an emphasis on adapting them to meet the learners' needs even if the books are already well-designed.
The seminar fostered an interactive discussion among the participants, allowing them to share their views, make comments, and raise questions. The Language Research Center deemed the presentation highly valuable, as it offers insights that can contribute to curriculum development at the Faculty of Languages and Translation in the future.
By exploring the effectiveness of coursebooks and encouraging adaptations based on learners' needs, the seminar provided a platform for meaningful discussions and potential improvements in the teaching and learning process within the Department of English.