Committee for Educational Services

A member of the teaching staff, or someone equivalent, with experience in the field of educational services, chairs this committee. The committee's tasks focus on coordinating the work among all involved in educational services to ensure its optimal execution. The main responsibilities include:

5.1 Coordinating among the department's teaching staff to identify the technical specifications for educational and research equipment, necessities, and tools, and to adopt the appropriate standards for the most suitable resource.

5.2 Reviewing the purchase requests received from the department's teaching staff, offering appropriate recommendations to the relevant authority regarding the purchase decision, or forwarding them to competent entities to procure them at a suitable price and within the specified time for:

  • 5.2.1 Educational and research laboratory equipment.
  • 5.2.2 Educational necessities.
  • 5.2.3 Educational tools.

5.3 Coordinating the needs of the teaching staff in the department regarding equipment, necessities, and tools, specifying their quantity and type, organizing the order volume, and procuring them to benefit from cash discount opportunities, technical support, and other incentives provided by suppliers.

5.4 Collaborating with the Educational Services Committee in other college departments to benefit from available equipment, necessities, and tools, ensuring their optimal use and minimizing wastage.

5.5 Evaluating the services provided in educational and research laboratories, assessing their suitability for the curricular requirements of the department, both at the undergraduate and graduate levels, and for scientific research needs. The evaluation results are then forwarded to the Development and Quality Committee for their use.

5.6 Managing educational risks by developing a departmental strategic plan to address potential educational risks both before and during their occurrence, and procedures that ensure their prevention or early warning.

5.7 Ensuring the presence of safety requirements in all labs and ensuring continuous availability of safety tools, following risk prevention measures, and implementing immediate safety procedures in case of any threat.

5.8 Ensuring all procedures are documented on standardized forms at the department level for all analytical processes in laboratories and for all educational, research, and experimental methods in labs, focusing on:

5.9 The name of the analysis or method.

  • 5.9.1 Location and number of the lab where the method or analysis will be conducted.
  • 5.9.2 Equipment used in the method or materials used in the analysis.
  • 5.9.3 Specification of the materials used in the method or analysis, and the risks when using them.
  • 5.9.4 Detailed description of the analysis or method, potential risks, and expected outcomes.
  • 5.9.5 Taking all necessary precautions.
  • 5.9.6 Method of disposing of the chemicals used in the analysis and the resulting waste.

5.10 Reviewing all matters referred by the department head to the committee and proposing appropriate solutions or making decisions within the limits of granted or delegated authority in writing.

Performance Indicators:

  1. Presence of a laboratory and lab manual.
  2. Presence of a specifications guide for equipment, necessities, and tools.
  3. Criteria for selecting the most appropriate supplier.
  4. Number of purchase requests approved by the committee annually, and their percentage of the total requests submitted for review.
  5. Number of labs that have documented safety requirements and their percentage of the total in the department.
  6. Number of research labs developed annually from the total research labs in the department.
  7. Availability ratio of computer devices to the number of students in the department annually.
  8. Satisfaction rate of the teaching staff and students regarding the adequacy of educational services annually.
  9. Beneficiary satisfaction rate concerning the quality of research labs annually, including teaching staff, researchers, and students.
  10. Annual satisfaction rate of beneficiaries from the committee's activities.