Committee for Academic Guidance and Student Affairs

One of the teaching staff members in the department, or someone equivalent, serves as the head of this committee. They are chosen based on their excellence in the field of academic guidance and student activities. The tasks of this committee are as follows:

2.1 Coordinate efforts in the academic guidance processes within the department, focusing on:

  • Participating in executing the college/department plan concerning welcoming new students and contributing to the open day with new students to clarify their rights, obligations, outlining the regulations governing the educational process, and explaining academic plans for each academic track in the department.
  • Identifying academic guides for students from the department's teaching staff or their equivalent before the start of the academic term.
  • Handling all academic guidance operations, following clear, simple, and authorized procedures through all available communication channels.
  • Considering the excuses presented by students for lecture or exam absences per the current rules and adopted procedures.
  • Providing the necessary material, psychological, and moral support to students with special needs.
  • Studying the cases of struggling students and providing appropriate solutions.

2.2 Coordinate efforts in the student affairs processes within the department, focusing on:

  • Coordinating with the Deanship of Student Affairs regarding student activities.
  • Developing a plan for all student activities - artistic, sports, cultural, scientific, and recreational - to be executed within the college/department.
  • Encouraging student initiatives, providing the necessary support, sponsoring them, and executing them in coordination with relevant entities.
  • Evaluating all student activities and providing ongoing improvement suggestions.

2.3 Nominate distinguished students to councils and committees where students are entitled to participate in the college and department.

2.4 Nominate talented and pioneering students in arts, sports, and sciences to entities awarding prizes within or outside the department/college through official communication channels.

2.5 Study all matters referred by the department head, propose appropriate suggestions, or make decisions within the provided or delegated authority in writing.

Performance Indicators:

  1. Number of students who received academic guidance during the academic year and per semester.
  2. Student satisfaction rate for academic and professional guidance within the scope of the committee's work in the department.
  3. Percentage of students who participated in student activities during the academic year and per semester.
  4. Percentage of students who participated in each student activity during the academic year and per semester.
  5. Existence of a student activity plan for the academic year.
  6. Number of students with special needs who benefited from the services and care in the department during the academic year and per semester.
  7. Number of students who received appreciation awards in student activities in the department, college, university, kingdom, and internationally during the academic year.
  8. Student satisfaction rate for student activities within the scope of the committee's work in the department.
  9. Existence of clear mechanisms for selecting students appointed to councils where they have a membership right.