Committee for Timetables and Examinations

A member of the teaching staff in the department or an equivalent serves as the head of this committee, chosen based on their excellence in study timetables and examinations. The responsibilities of this committee are as follows:

1.1 Coordinate the study schedules in the department, considering the following:

  • The department's teaching load.
  • Distribution of students across study groups for each course.
  • Ensuring educational quality standards.

1.2 Implement clear and straightforward procedures regarding course registration, adding, and dropping.

1.3 Coordinate with the Admissions and Registration Deanship for matters relating to transfers, postponements, denials, breaks, dismissals, and reinstatements.

1.4 Coordinate with the General Scholarships Administration regarding the admission of international students in diploma and bachelor's programs as per current regulations and followed procedures.

1.5 Coordinate the examination schedule in the department in collaboration with the college's study timetable and planning committee, as well as the Admissions and Registration Deanship, considering the following:

  • Adopt a student distribution timetable based on the department's study plan.
  • Disseminate examination instructions through all available means.
  • Prepare the halls with everything necessary for an optimal student examination process.
  • Ensure that a student does not have two exams at the same time.
  • Strive to avoid scheduling two exams for a student on the same day.
  • Adopt a distribution schedule for faculty members across the halls, ensuring fairness and objectivity.
  • Adopt clear and straightforward procedures for organizing the examination process in the department, from student attendance to distributing questions, filling out attendance and absence records, and handling answer booklets.
  • Enforce the followed regulations, depending on the situation: cheating reports, causing disturbances, or creating chaos during the exam.

1.6 Coordinate alternate examination schedules for students, following the regulations, and considering what's mentioned in clause 1.4.

1.7 Ensure everything necessary for an optimal examination process is in place, and find suitable solutions in a timely manner.

1.8 Adopt exam process reports, address them, and propose suitable recommendations for the future.

1.9 Implement student grievance mechanisms for exam results and handle all cases reported to the committee per followed regulations.

1.10 Study all matters referred by the department head, propose appropriate suggestions or make decisions within the granted or delegated authority in writing.

Performance Indicators:

  1. Number of students who joined the program and completed its requirements in the specified time.
  2. Number of students who joined the program and completed the first academic year per the study plan.
  3. Number of student complaints that were addressed.
  4. Student to faculty member ratio.
  5. Percentage of faculty members holding a Ph.D. degree.
  6. Percentage of international students to the total number of students in the department annually.
  7. Existence of a guide detailing student rights and duties.
  8. Existence of a guide detailing faculty member rights and duties.
  9. Satisfaction rate of individuals and entities benefiting from the committee's various activities and events.