Community Service Committee

The vice dean for development and quality chairs this committee. Should this be infeasible, a faculty member or their equivalent with sufficient experience related to community service will preside. The committee's main responsibilities are to coordinate efforts among all involved in community service, keeping the following considerations in mind:

8.1 Inventory the community and external environment needs in terms of training, partnerships, and educational and research cooperation that can be offered by all college departments.

8.2 Offer scientific, technical, and training consultations to entities that wish to obtain them within the framework of community partnership.

8.3 Organize events aimed at introducing the college, outputs of the educational, research, and training processes, such as Career Day, Open Day, and Alumni Association; to strengthen cooperation bonds and develop relations with public sector institutions and business sector companies. This serves the shared goals and the economic and social development process of the nation.

8.4 Encourage participation in voluntary works that serve the community from faculty, students, and staff of the college.

8.5 Study all matters referred by the college dean to the committee, make suitable suggestions, or take appropriate decisions within the powers granted or delegated by the competent authority in writing.

Performance Indicators:

  1. Number of societal needs in the external environment that the college departments can cater to.
  2. Number of scientific, technical, and training consultations the college provided to the community.
  3. Number of faculty members who participated in offering community services, and their percentage of the total faculty members in the college annually.
  4. Number of events the college annually organized with external entities in the community.
  5. Number of students, faculty members, and staff in the college who participated in voluntary activities serving the community annually.
  6. Satisfaction rate of the entities benefiting from the committee.