Development and Quality Committee

This committee is chaired by the college's vice dean for development and quality. If this is not feasible, the head of the quality unit at the college or a faculty member (or their equivalent) will preside. The committee's main responsibilities are to coordinate efforts among all individuals in the field of development and quality and to ensure their continuity, taking into account the following:

7.1 Promote the culture of quality, introduce it, and enhance individual, collective, and organizational behavior to consistently practice it, using all available means such as training courses, workshops, seminars, and exemplifying cognitive, leadership, and administrative behaviors for students, technicians, administrators, and faculty members.

7.2 Understand the requirements of institutional and academic program accreditation, familiarize academic departments, all college employees, and students with them, in order to operate accordingly and ensure their execution.

7.3 Monitor all updates regarding development and quality, issued by the National Authority for Evaluation and Academic Accreditation and the Dean of Development and Quality, and circulate them to academic departments and all college employees to enhance performance and productivity.

7.4 Implement everything necessary to achieve the quality of the educational, research, service, and community processes in the college, focusing on:

  • 7.4.1 Coordinate with the Deanship of Development and Quality regarding development and quality matters.
  • 7.4.2 Prepare the college's strategic plan and take all necessary actions to ensure its implementation.
  • 7.4.3 Prepare the college programs' self-study report and continuously update it.
  • 7.4.4 Receive and organize the course files of all departmental programs in the college at the end of each semester.
  • 7.4.5 Prepare the program report for each academic department at the end of every semester.
  • 7.4.6 Perform required benchmarking for programs and courses.
  • 7.4.7 Document evidence of quality performance.
  • 7.4.8 Analyze the results of opinion surveys to measure satisfaction of university affiliates and beneficiaries accurately and objectively.
  • 7.4.9 Measure performance indicators.
  • 7.4.10 Achieve all requirements of institutional and academic program accreditation.

7.5 Prepare an action plan to accredit all academic programs in the college.

7.6 Develop a plan for training needs of faculty and technicians in the college and take all necessary actions to ensure its implementation.

7.7 Supervise the implementation of reception and orientation programs for new faculty members.

7.8 Develop a plan to encourage excellence and creativity in the performance of faculty members, and nominate distinguished ones for excellence awards in the college, university, and abroad.

7.9 Evaluate all quality processes by studying and analyzing the following:

  • 7.9.1 Self-evaluation in all programs.
  • 7.9.2 Course evaluation reports (course file).
  • 7.9.3 Results of measuring performance indicators.

7.10 Study all matters referred by the college dean to the committee, make suitable suggestions, or take appropriate decisions within the powers granted or delegated by the competent authority in writing.

Performance Indicators:

  1. Number of internal courses executed in the college to promote and enhance the culture of quality.
  2. Evaluation of the college's vision, mission, and objectives by faculty, students, and college staff.
  3. Existence of a plan to identify training needs for faculty and technicians in the college.
  4. Existence of a plan to encourage excellence and creativity in the performance of faculty members.
  5. Number of academic programs that prepared a self-study for the program, and their percentage of the total number of programs that did so in the college.
  6. Number of programs that obtained academic accreditation, and their percentage of the total programs in the college.
  7. Number of faculty members nominated for excellence awards in the college, university, and abroad.
  8. Percentage of faculty members who received excellence awards from the total number of faculty members nominated by the committee for the awards.
  9. Number of new faculty members and their satisfaction rate with the reception and orientation programs offered to them annually.
  10. Average scores of college students in national specialization exams compared to graduates from other colleges in the university.
  11. Average scores of college students in national specialization exams compared to graduates from similar colleges in benchmark Saudi universities.
  12. Percentage of academic programs that use outcome assessment tests.
  13. Student to faculty ratio by programs.
  14. Satisfaction rate of graduates regarding the scientific and professional skills they acquired during their studies in the college by programs.
  15. Beneficiary satisfaction rate from the committee's activities annually.