Educational Services Committee

The head of this committee should be a member of the teaching staff or its equivalent, with experience in the field of educational services. The main tasks of this committee involve coordinating the efforts of all those working in the realm of educational services to ensure optimal implementation. The committee focuses on the following:

5.1 Coordinating between departments to define the technical specifications for educational and research equipment, consumables, and tools, and to adopt suitable criteria for the best resources.

5.2 Reviewing purchase requests coming from the departments in the college, and providing the appropriate recommendations to the competent authority regarding the purchasing decision, or referring it to the relevant authorities for the required procurement actions, at an appropriate price and within the specified time, for the following:

5.2.1 Laboratory teaching and research equipment.

  • 5.2.2 Educational consumables.
  • 5.2.3 Educational tools.

5.3 Coordinating between the departments to benefit from the available equipment, consumables, and tools, ensuring optimal utilization and minimizing waste.

5.4 Evaluating the services provided in educational and research laboratories, measuring their suitability to the curriculum requirements of the departments, both at the undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and research needs. Sending the evaluation results to the Development and Quality Committee for their operations.

5.5 Ensuring safety requirements are present in all laboratories, continuously ensuring the presence of safety measures, adhering to preventive procedures against risks, and implementing immediate safety actions in case of any hazard.

5.6 Verifying that all procedures are written in standardized formats at the college level for all analytical operations in labs, and all educational, research, and experimental methods in the laboratories, focusing on:

5.7 The study of anything referred by the Dean of the College to the Committee and the submission of appropriate proposals or the making of appropriate decisions within the powers granted or delegated by the competent authority in writing.

Performance Indicators:

  1. Existence of a guide.
  2. A guide for equipment, consumables, and tools specifications.
  3. Standards for selecting the best supplier.
  4. Number of purchase requests approved by the committee annually and their percentage of the total requests submitted for study.
  5. Number of departments that committed to written safety requirements in labs and/or laboratories, and their percentage of the total in the college.
  6. Number of developed research laboratories out of the total number of research labs in the college annually.
  7. Availability ratio of computers relative to the number of students in the college annually.
  8. Satisfaction rate of the teaching staff and students regarding the adequacy of educational services annually.
  9. Beneficiary satisfaction rate concerning the quality of research laboratories annually, from faculty members, researchers, and students.
  10. Beneficiary satisfaction rate from the committee's activities annually.