Committee for Academic Scheduling and Examinations

The Vice Dean for Academic Affairs presides over the Committee for Academic Scheduling and Examinations. The committee is responsible for:

  1. Academic Scheduling: Coordinating the academic schedules for all departments within the college. This includes:

    • Managing the overall teaching load.
    • Assigning students to academic sections for each course.
    • Upholding educational quality standards.
  2. Course Enrollment: Establishing clear and efficient procedures for course registration, addition, and dropping.

  3. Collaboration: Coordinating with the Dean of Admissions and Registration on matters such as student transfers, deferrals, deprivation, discontinuation, record annulments, and reinstatements.

  4. International Student Affairs: Working in tandem with the General Administration for Scholarships on matters concerning the admission of international students to diploma and bachelor's programs, in line with prevailing regulations and procedures.

  5. Examination Scheduling: Collaborating with the Dean of Admissions and Registration to coordinate the exam schedules, ensuring:

    • Proper distribution of students in examination halls based on their study plan.
    • Disseminating exam-related instructions through available channels.
    • Preparing examination halls to facilitate optimal student testing experience.
    • Ensuring no student has concurrent exams.
    • Ensuring no student has more than one exam on the same day.
    • Fair and objective assignment of faculty to examination halls.
    • Clear procedures for organizing exams: from student entry to exam hall, question distribution, attendance sheets, student departure, and collection of answer sheets.
    • Implementation of applicable rules and regulations for situations like exam misconduct, disturbances, or chaos during exams.
  6. Alternate Exam Scheduling: Coordinating alternate examination schedules in accordance with prevailing regulations, with considerations as mentioned in point 4.

  7. Exam Facilitation: Ensuring smooth conduct of exams and finding timely solutions to arising challenges.

  8. Exam Reports: Endorsing examination conduct reports, addressing any issues, and making future recommendations.

  9. Student Appeals: Implementing student grievance mechanisms for exam results and handling any cases forwarded to the committee as per existing rules and regulations.

  10. Additional Responsibilities: Reviewing matters referred to the committee by the College Dean or Vice Dean for Academic Affairs and making appropriate suggestions or decisions within the conferred authority.

Performance Indicators:

  1. Number of students who enrolled and completed program requirements on time.
  2. Number of students who completed their first academic year as per the study plan.
  3. Count of student grievances addressed.
  4. Student to faculty ratio.
  5. Percentage of faculty with doctoral degrees.
  6. Ratio of international students to the total student population in the college annually.
  7. Availability of a student rights and responsibilities guide.
  8. Availability of a faculty rights and responsibilities guide.
  9. Average satisfaction rate of individuals and entities benefiting from the committee's various activities and events.