Employer Advisory Board (EAB) and Program Utilization in the BAE and BAT Programs

The Employer Advisory Board (EAB) of the Bachelor of Arts in English (BAE) and the Bachelor of Arts in Translation (BAT) programs represents a strategic industry partnership that enables continuous evaluation, development, and performance improvement in our educational offerings. This collaboration is essential for ensuring that both programs are aligned with regional economic development and labor market needs.

During the meetings in April 2021—and in all prior meetings—the EAB thoroughly examined labor market requirements to ensure that the Mission Statements, Program Learning Outcomes, Graduate Attributes, and Study Plans of both the BAE and BAT programs are closely aligned with the skills and competencies required by employers. This continuous review process helps to ensure that our curricula are responsive to the evolving demands of the job market, thereby enhancing the employability of our graduates.

Starting with the 2022-2023 academic year, the BAT program has been fully integrated into the EAB's evaluative processes, alongside the established BAE program. The insights and feedback provided by the EAB have been instrumental in refining and updating the educational strategies of both programs, ensuring that they remain relevant and effective in preparing students for successful careers. This collaboration with industry professionals is a key component in maintaining the high standards and relevance of our educational offerings, ultimately supporting the economic development of the region and meeting the labor market demands.

No Name Industry Position
1 Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi CLT Chairman
2 Dr. Abdulrahman Almosa CLT Secretary General
3 Dr. Munassir Alhamami CLT Member
4 Dr. Salma Al-Qahtani CLT Member
5 Dr. Ahmed Alamri General Director of Education in Aseer Member
6 Dr. Fahad Al-Shahrani General Director of Al-Hadaf Academies Member
7 Dr. Reem Alfarian Aseer Development Authority Member
8 Dr. Abdullah Abu Dabeel Businessman Member
9 Mr. Sultan Zumai'e Aseer Development Authority Member
10 Mr. Mushaab Abu Eshi Assistant Secretary General in the Aseer Chamber of Commerce Member
11 Mr. Hussein Ma'alawi English Language Supervisor in the Directorate of Education in Aseer Member
12 Ms. Najla'a Alshehri Aseer Development Authority Member
13 Mr. Hassan Costello CLT Member
14 Mr. Ryan Alfaifi CLT Student/Alumni
15 Ms. Ruba Assiri CLT Student/Alumni

Prior News Story of the Former EAB