Page-by-Page Translation of the 8-29-2024 Academic Advising Guide

Translation: Guide to Electronic Academic Advising Services

Academic Year: 1445 (Hijri) / 2023-2024 (Gregorian)
Institution: King Khalid University (as shown by the logo)
Initiative Mentioned: "مبادرة #واعي" (#Awareness Initiative)

Translation: Table of Contents

  1. دليل المحتويات – Table of Contents (Page 2)
  2. تمهيد – Introduction (Page 5)
  3. الحلول التقنية المقدمة من العمادة – Technical Solutions Provided by the Deanship (Page 6)
  4. طلبة المرشد الأكاديمي – Academic Advisor Requests (Page 7)
  5. خدمة معلومات عن الطالب – Student Information Service (Page 8)
  6. خدمة ملاحظات على ملف الطالب والرسائل القصيرة – Notes on Student File and Short Messages Service (Page 9)
  7. خدمة خطة الطالب – Student Plan Service (Page 10)
  8. خدمة تواصل – Communication Service (Page 10)
  9. خدمة التواصل مع المرشد الأكاديمي – Communication with Academic Advisor Service (Page 12)
  10. خدمة السجل الأكاديمي – Academic Record Service (Page 13)
  11. خدمة نطاقات – Ranges Service (Page 14)
  12. خدمة استعراض الغياب – Attendance Review Service (Page 15)
  13. خدمة جدول الطالب – Student Schedule Service (Page 16)


Translation: Table of Contents (Continued)

  1. اطلاع المرشد على الحركات الأكاديمية – Academic Movements Review for Advisors (Page 17)
  2. مواعيد الإرشاد الأكاديمي – Academic Advising Schedules (Page 18)
  3. أهم الإجراءات الأكاديمية – Key Academic Procedures (Page 20)
  4. ضوابط التسجيل - المادة الثالثة عشرة – Registration Regulations - Article 13 (Page 21)
  5. القواعد المنظمة لبرنامج السنة المشتركة للتخصصات الصحية - المادة الرابعة – Regulations for the Common Year Program for Health Specializations - Article 4 (Page 22)
  6. الحرمان - المادة الخامسة عشرة – Denial - Article 15 (Page 24)
  7. التغيب عن الاختبار النهائي - المادة الثانية والثلاثون – Absence from the Final Exam - Article 32 (Page 25)
  8. الاعتذار عن فصل دراسي - المادة السادسة عشرة – Semester Withdrawal - Article 16 (Page 26)
  9. الاعتذار عن مقرر دراسي - المادة السابعة عشرة – Course Withdrawal - Article 17 (Page 27)
  10. الاعتذار عن مقرر دراسي - المادة السابعة عشرة – Course Withdrawal (Repeated) - Article 17 (Page 28)
  11. التأجيل - المادة الثامنة عشرة – Deferment - Article 18 (Page 29)
  12. إعادة القيد - المادة العشرون – Re-enrollment - Article 20 (Page 30)
  13. إعادة القيد - المادة العشرون – Re-enrollment (Repeated) - Article 20 (Page 31)
  14. الفصل الأكاديمي - المادة الثانية والعشرون – Academic Dismissal - Article 22 (Page 32)
  15. الإرشادات الفصلية - المادة الخامسة والعشرون – Term Instructions - Article 25 (Page 33)
  16. الترقية النهائية - المادة السادسة والعشرون – Final Promotion - Article 26 (Page 34)
  17. التصحيح النهائي - المادة السادسة والعشرون – Final Correction - Article 26 (Page 35)


Translation: Table of Contents (Continued)

  1. نظام المعدل التراكمي - المادة السابعة والثلاثون – Cumulative GPA System - Article 37 (Page 36)
  2. نظام التقديرات - المادة الثامنة والثلاثون – Grading System - Article 38 (Page 37)
  3. مراتب الشرف - المادة التاسعة والثلاثون – Honors Levels - Article 39 (Page 38)


Translation: Introduction

Academic advising is a foundational pillar in a student's educational journey, significantly impacting their academic success and contributing positively to their academic and personal growth. The early warning system provided to academic advisors allows them to identify academic risks faced by students and address them appropriately, empowering students to overcome challenges and meet academic goals effectively.

Key Highlights:

  • Risk Management and Academic Success:
    • The guide emphasizes proactive advising that predicts risks, supports decision-making, and ensures academic success.
    • It promotes effective communication between advisors and students, using modern technical solutions to simplify advisors' tasks.
  • Goals of Academic Advising at King Khalid University:

1.                  Provide high-quality technical solutions to ease advisors' roles and grant necessary authority.

2.                  Train academic advisors to address students' needs and realities effectively.

3.                  Prepare essential statistics to facilitate advisors' work.

4.                  Develop performance measurement indicators (e.g., absenteeism) for students and colleges.

5.                  Raise awareness among students regarding systems, rights, and responsibilities.

Strategic Alignment:

The guide aligns with the university's “Improving University Life Quality” strategy and focuses on equipping academic advisors to effectively utilize electronic services.

Target Audience:

  • Academic advisors.
  • Students, particularly first-year university students.

Translation: Technical Solutions Provided by the Deanship

Academic Advising Services Overview

This page presents a visual flowchart of services provided to support academic advising through technical solutions offered by the deanship.

1. Academic Advising Appointments:

  • حجز موعد – Schedule an Appointment
  • تأكيد موعد – Confirm an Appointment
  • رفض موعد – Decline an Appointment

2. Academic Advisor Access to Academic Activities:

  • نسبة الغياب – Attendance Percentage
  • إعتذار عن مقرر أو فصل – Course or Semester Withdrawal
  • الفرص الاستثنائية – Exceptional Opportunities
  • إعادة الإنتظام – Reinstatement

3. Academic Advisor Requests:

  • خدمة خطة الطالب – Student Plan Service
  • خدمة تواصل – Communication Service
  • خدمة نطاقات – Ranges Service
  • خدمة السجل الأكاديمي – Academic Record Service

Visual Component:
At the bottom of the page, an interface screenshot demonstrates the digital platform for academic advising services. It highlights a user-friendly system for managing appointments, accessing records, and facilitating student advising.

Translation: Academic Advisor Requests

Service Name:

طلبة المرشد الأكاديمي – Academic Advisor Requests

Service Description:

This service allows academic advisors to access the list of students under their supervision.


  • المرشد الأكاديمي – Academic Advisor

Steps to Access the Service:

  1. Navigate through:
    أكاديميا → أكاديمي → خدمات الإرشاد الأكاديمي → طلبة المرشد الأكاديمي
    (Academia → Academic → Academic Advising Services → Academic Advisor Requests)


Using this service, academic advisors can:

  • View the list of students they supervise.
  • Access important details such as:
    • Academic records.
    • Study plans.
    • Absences.
    • Course withdrawals.

Visual Component:
The screenshot highlights the interface where advisors can select طلبة المرشد الأكاديمي to review student data efficiently.

Translation: Student Information Service

Service Name:

خدمة معلومات عن الطالب – Student Information Service

Service Description:

This service enables academic advisors to view detailed information about students and their academic status.


  • المرشد الأكاديمي – Academic Advisor

Steps to Access the Service:

  1. Navigate through:
    أكاديميا → أكاديمي → خدمات الإرشاد الأكاديمي → طلبة المرشد الأكاديمي → اختيار طالب
    (Academia → Academic → Academic Advising Services → Academic Advisor Requests → Select Student by University Number)
  2. After selecting the student, go to the شخصي (Personal) tab for detailed information.

Information Displayed:

The page displays a variety of student data, including:

  • Student Number
  • Student Name
  • Academic Status
  • Cumulative GPA
  • Total Completed Hours
  • Hours Required for Graduation
  • Number of Withdrawn Courses and Semesters
  • Course and Semester Deferrals
  • Transfer Requests (Within or Outside College)

Visual Component:

A screenshot shows the student profile details, highlighting fields like cumulative GPA (3.28), total hours completed, and course withdrawal statistics.

Steps to Use:

  • Advisors can click on the student’s university number to access these details.

Translation: Notes on Student File and Short Messages Service

Service Name:

ملاحظات على ملف الطالب والرسائل القصيرة – Notes on Student File and Short Messages

Service Description:

This service allows academic advisors to:

  1. Communicate with students via short messages to their university email.
  2. Add notes to the student’s electronic file for record-keeping.


  • المرشد الأكاديمي – Academic Advisor

Steps to Access the Service:

  1. Navigate through:
    أكاديميا → أكاديمي → خدمات الإرشاد الأكاديمي → طلبة المرشد الأكاديمي → اختيار طالب
    (Academia → Academic → Academic Advising Services → Academic Advisor Requests → Select Student)
  2. Steps for Adding Notes:
    • Go to the ملف الطالب الإلكتروني (Electronic Student File) tab.
    • Write the notes and click ضبط حفظ (Save Settings).
  3. Steps for Sending Short Messages:
    • Go to the الرسائل القصيرة (Short Messages) tab.
    • Write the message and send it to the student’s mobile number or email.
    • Select the option إرسال البريد الإلكتروني (Send via Email) if required.

Visual Component:

The screenshot demonstrates the advisor interface, showing:

  • Fields for adding notes to the student’s file.
  • The section for writing and sending short messages.

This streamlined system ensures efficient communication and record-keeping between academic advisors and students.

Translation: Student Plan Service

Service Name:

خطة الطالب – Student Plan

Service Description:

This service allows academic advisors to:

  • Review detailed information about registered, exempted, and remaining courses in the student’s academic plan.
  • Generate a comprehensive report of the student's progress, which can also be printed using the "طباعة" (Print) option.


  • المرشد الأكاديمي – Academic Advisor

Steps to Access the Service:

  1. Navigate through:
    أكاديميا → أكاديمي → خدمات الإرشاد الأكاديمي → طلبة المرشد الأكاديمي → اختيار طالب
    (Academia → Academic → Academic Advising Services → Academic Advisor Requests → Select Student)
  2. Steps for Reviewing the Student Plan:
    • Go to the خدمات (Services) tab.
    • Click on خطة الطالب (Student Plan).
    • View or print the student's academic plan details.

Visual Component:

The screenshot displays the advisor’s interface, showing:

  • A color-coded table summarizing:
    • Registered courses.
    • Exempted courses.
    • Remaining courses.
  • Progress details to track the total completed hours and remaining hours for the student’s graduation.

This service helps advisors effectively monitor students' academic progress and guide them accordingly.

Translation: Communication Service

Service Name:

خدمة تواصل – Communication Service

Service Description:

This service enables students to communicate with their respective college to submit requests, such as:

  • Course deletion requests during registration periods.
  • General communication with other university departments.


  • الطالب – Student

Steps to Use the Service:

  1. Navigate through:
    أكاديميا → تواصل → تواصل
    (Academia → Communication → Communication)
  2. Steps for Submitting a New Request:
    • Click on طلب تواصل جديد (New Communication Request).
    • Select the relevant department.
    • Write the request in the provided text field.
    • Attach files using the المرفقات (Attachments) button if necessary.
    • Click إرسال (Send) to submit the request.

Visual Component:

The screenshot illustrates the student interface, including fields for:

  • Student details (e.g., name, ID, major).
  • Text area for entering the request.
  • Attachment upload functionality.

This service streamlines communication between students and administrative departments, particularly during critical periods like course registration.

Translation: Communication with the Academic Advisor Service

Service Name:

خدمة التواصل مع المرشد الأكاديمي – Communication with the Academic Advisor

Service Description:

This service enables students to communicate directly with their academic advisor to submit inquiries or requests.


  • الطالب – Student

Steps to Use the Service:

  1. Navigate through:
    أكاديميا → تواصل → تواصل مع المرشد الأكاديمي
    (Academia → Communication → Communication with Academic Advisor)
  2. Steps for Submitting a New Request:
    • Select the التواصل مع المرشد الأكاديمي (Communicate with the Academic Advisor) option.
    • Click on طلب تواصل جديد (New Communication Request).
    • Write the message text (up to 500 characters).
    • Attach files if necessary using the attachment button.
    • Click إرسال (Send).

Visual Component:

The screenshot displays the interface for submitting a request to the academic advisor, including:

  • A text box for writing the request.
  • Fields for advisor and department selection.
  • Confirmation of a successfully registered request with a request number displayed (e.g., 449999999).

This service ensures efficient and streamlined communication between students and their academic advisors, facilitating timely responses to inquiries and requests.

Translation: Academic Record Service

Service Name:

خدمة السجل الأكاديمي – Academic Record Service

Service Description:

This service allows academic advisors to view and access the student’s academic record, including course details, grades, and performance summaries.


  • المرشد الأكاديمي – Academic Advisor

Steps to Use the Service:

  1. Navigate through:
    أكاديميا → أكاديمي → خدمات الإرشاد الأكاديمي → طلبة المرشد الأكاديمي → اختيار طالب
    (Academia → Academic → Academic Advising Services → Academic Advisor Requests → Select Student)
  2. Steps for Viewing the Academic Record:
    • Go to the خدمات (Services) tab.
    • Click on السجل الأكاديمي (Academic Record).
    • View the academic record and use the طباعة (Print) button if required.

Visual Component:

The screenshot highlights the advisor’s interface, showing:

  • Course details, including:
    • Course Name
    • Credit Hours
    • Grade
    • Status (e.g., Passed or Failed)
  • Summary of total completed hours, grades, and academic performance.

This service enables advisors to efficiently track and analyze a student's academic performance, ensuring timely guidance and support.

Translation: Ranges Service

Service Name:

خدمة النطاقات الطلابية – Student Ranges Service

Service Description:

This service classifies students into specific academic performance ranges and highlights the benefits or actions required based on their performance levels.


  • المرشد الأكاديمي – Academic Advisor

Steps to Use the Service:

  1. Navigate through:
    أكاديميا → أكاديمي → خدمات الإرشاد الأكاديمي → طلبة المرشد الأكاديمي → خدمة النطاقات
    (Academia → Academic → Academic Advising Services → Academic Advisor Requests → Ranges Service).
  2. Steps for Viewing Student Ranges:
    • Review the student’s current academic performance (shown as color-coded ranges).
    • Click on دليل النطاقات (Ranges Guide) for detailed explanations of each range.

Range Classifications:

Students are categorized into different academic ranges based on their cumulative GPA and performance:

  1. التميز (Excellence): GPA above 4.5 – Outstanding performance.
  2. التفوق (Superiority): GPA between 4.0 and 4.5.
  3. الطبيعي (Normal): GPA between 2.0 and 4.0 – Average performance.
  4. خطر (At Risk): GPA between 1.5 and 2.0 – Requires intervention.
  5. متدني (Low): GPA below 1.5 – Immediate action required.

Visual Component:

The table visually represents student ranges with color-coded indicators:

  • Green: Excellence and Superiority.
  • Yellow: Normal.
  • Red: At Risk and Low GPA categories.

This service enables advisors to identify at-risk students quickly and take proactive measures to support their academic improvement.

Translation: Absence Review Service

Service Name:

خدمة استعراض الغياب – Absence Review Service

Service Description:

This service allows academic advisors to:

  • Monitor student attendance records.
  • Review absence rates with or without justification.
  • Identify warnings related to excessive absenteeism.


  • المرشد الأكاديمي – Academic Advisor

Steps to Use the Service:

  1. Navigate through:
    أكاديميا → أكاديمي → خدمات الإرشاد الأكاديمي → طلبة المرشد الأكاديمي → خدمة استعراض الغياب
    (Academia → Academic → Academic Advising Services → Academic Advisor Requests → Absence Review Service).
  2. Steps for Reviewing Absences:
    • Go to the خدمات (Services) tab.
    • Click on الغياب (Absence).
    • Review absence percentages, warnings, and justifications for each course in a specific semester.

Visual Component:

The screenshot highlights:

  • A table showing student details:
    • Course Name
    • Total Absences
    • Warnings
    • Justified/Unjustified Absence Rates
  • The red labels (“إنذارات” and “تأخير”) emphasize critical areas such as absence warnings and delays.

This service helps advisors identify attendance issues early and address them to prevent academic consequences for students.

Translation: Student Schedule Service

Service Name:

خدمة جدول الطالب – Student Schedule Service

Service Description:

This service allows academic advisors to:

  • View the student’s class schedule.
  • Print the schedule for reference and academic advising purposes.


  • المرشد الأكاديمي – Academic Advisor

Steps to Use the Service:

  1. Navigate through:
    أكاديميا → أكاديمي → خدمات الإرشاد الأكاديمي → طلبة المرشد الأكاديمي → جدول الطالب
    (Academia → Academic → Academic Advising Services → Academic Advisor Requests → Student Schedule).
  2. Steps for Accessing the Schedule:
    • Go to the التقارير (Reports) tab.
    • Click on جدول الطالب (Student Schedule).
    • View or print the student’s academic schedule.

Visual Component:

The screenshot highlights:

  • The Student Schedule button in the reports section.
  • Options for viewing and printing the detailed timetable, including class days and times.

This service helps advisors provide students with clarity on their academic schedules, ensuring they can plan their coursework effectively.

Translation: Advisor Access to Academic Movements

Service Name:

اطلاع المرشد على الحركات الأكاديمية – Advisor Access to Academic Movements

Service Description:

This service allows academic advisors to:

  • Review and track student academic movements, such as:
    • Course withdrawal
    • Semester withdrawal
    • Semester deferment
    • Recommendations


  • المرشد الأكاديمي – Academic Advisor

Steps to Use the Service:

  1. Navigate through:
    أكاديميا → أكاديمي → خدمات الإرشاد الأكاديمي → اطلاع المرشد على الحركات الأكاديمية
    (Academia → Academic → Academic Advising Services → Advisor Access to Academic Movements).
  2. Steps for Viewing Academic Movements:
    • Select the حالة الاطلاع (View Status) to display the relevant requests.
    • Review the list of requests needing recommendations or action.
    • Access detailed information about each request, including:
      • Type of movement (e.g., withdrawal, deferment).
      • Student comments.
    • Click to approve or follow up on requests.
    • Save and update recommendations.

Visual Component:

The screenshots illustrate:

  • Tables displaying student academic movements, such as:
    • Course withdrawals and deferments.
    • Current status and approvals.
    • Notes and recommendations.
  • Options to add or approve advisor comments and track student requests.

This service ensures that advisors can actively monitor and manage student academic actions, providing necessary approvals or recommendations to support student success.

Translation: Academic Advising Appointments

Service Name:

مواعيد الإرشاد الأكاديمي – Academic Advising Appointments

Service Description:

This service allows academic advisors to:

  • Schedule appointments with students.
  • Confirm or reject appointment requests sent by students.


  • المرشد الأكاديمي – Academic Advisor

Steps to Use the Service:

  1. Navigate through:
    أكاديميا → أكاديمي → خدمات الإرشاد الأكاديمي → مواعيد الإرشاد الأكاديمي
    (Academia → Academic → Academic Advising Services → Academic Advising Appointments).
  2. Steps for Scheduling Appointments:
    • Select مواعيد اللقاء (Meeting Appointments) next to the student’s name.
    • On the next page, click موعد جديد (New Appointment).
    • Choose a future date and time for the meeting.
    • Specify the location and topic of the meeting.
    • Click حفظ (Save).
  3. After Scheduling:
    • The appointment request remains pending until the student confirms it.
    • Advisors can add notes regarding the meeting time or topic.
  4. Appointment States:
    • تأكيد الموعد (Confirm Appointment).
    • رفض الموعد (Reject Appointment).
    • غياب الطالب (Student Absent).

Visual Component:

The screenshot shows the advisor’s interface with options to:

  • Schedule, confirm, or reject appointments.
  • Track meeting status and add comments.

This service enables organized and effective communication between advisors and students, ensuring timely meetings and follow-ups on academic concerns.

Translation: Confirming or Rejecting an Appointment

Service Description:

This section explains how academic advisors can confirm or reject appointments that students have requested.

Steps to Confirm or Reject an Appointment:

  1. Navigate through:
    مواعيد الإرشاد الأكاديمي (Academic Advising Appointments).
  2. Click on مواعيد اللقاء (Meeting Appointments) next to the student’s name.
  3. Review the requested appointment details, including:
    • Date
    • Start and end times
    • Location
    • Topic
  4. Use the following options:
    • تأكيد الموعد (Confirm Appointment).
    • رفض الموعد (Reject Appointment).

Additional Requirements:

  • If rejecting an appointment, the advisor must provide a reason for the rejection in the notes field.
  • The rejection reason will be visible to the student, ensuring clarity and transparency.

Visual Component:

The screenshot shows the advisor interface, highlighting:

  • Appointment details (e.g., date, time, and location).
  • Buttons for confirming or rejecting an appointment:
    • تأكيد الموعد (Confirm Appointment).
    • رفض الموعد (Reject Appointment).

This feature ensures clear communication between students and advisors, enabling efficient scheduling and follow-up of appointments.

Translation: Key Academic Procedures

This page provides access to important academic procedures related to study and examinations.


  • For more details, scan the QR code displayed on the page.
  • The QR code likely redirects users to an official document or webpage outlining the full list of academic regulations and procedures for students and advisors.

This streamlined approach allows users quick access to comprehensive academic guidelines.

Translation: Registration Regulations – Article 13

Key Registration Rules:

  1. Minimum Academic Load:
    • The minimum course load for registration is 12 credit hours.
  2. Tied to Cumulative GPA:
    • The student’s academic load and any exceptions are determined by the program’s academic advising plan based on the student’s cumulative GPA.
  3. Graduating Students:
    • Graduating students can register for up to 24 credit hours if feasible and with approval from the department head or relevant associate dean.
  4. Exceeding the Required Load:
    • Students cannot exceed the maximum academic load unless approved by the department and under the condition that they have completed their program’s prior study plan.

This structured set of rules ensures that students maintain an appropriate workload to meet academic requirements while allowing flexibility for exceptional cases, such as graduating students.

Translation: Regulations Governing the Common Year Program for Health Specializations – Article 4

Key Regulations:

  1. Automatic Registration:
    • Student schedules are automatically registered by the Deanship of Admission and Registration.
  2. Fixed Curriculum:
    • Course additions and withdrawals are not allowed during the common year program.
  3. Duration of the Program:
    • The program duration for health specializations is two academic semesters.
  4. Attendance Requirements:
    • Students are prohibited from attending the final exam if their absence exceeds 20% of the course hours.
  5. Performance Standards:
    • During the common year, students must achieve a minimum cumulative GPA (e.g., 2.75 to 5.0) for continued specialization.
  6. Withdrawal Restrictions:
    • Students are not allowed to withdraw from a semester or defer their studies during the common year.
  7. Exceptional Cases:
    • Students may withdraw from a semester only with the approval of the university council upon recommendation from their department and college.

This page clearly outlines the academic regulations and attendance policies for students enrolled in the health specialization common year program, ensuring strict adherence to program requirements and standards.

Translation: Regulations Governing the Common Year Program for Health Specializations – Article 4 (Continued)

Key Regulations for Exiting the Program:

  1. Failure to Achieve the Required GPA:
    • Students who fail to meet the general GPA for specialization will exit the program.
  2. Repeated Warnings:
    • Students who receive two consecutive warnings will be removed from the program.
  3. Withdrawal or Suspension of Enrollment:
    • Students who withdraw or have their enrollment suspended during the program will lose their place.
  4. Failure to Meet Program Requirements:
    • Students who do not fulfill the program’s requirements within one academic year will be disqualified.

Result of Disqualification:

  • Students will be transferred to another college or specialization that is non-health related.

This ensures strict adherence to academic standards, emphasizing performance and commitment in the health specialization track.

Translation: Denial – Article 15

Key Regulations for Denial of Exam Access:

  1. Warning System:
    • The student receives a first warning if their absence reaches 10% of course hours.
    • A second warning is issued at 15% absence.
    • If the absence exceeds 25%, the student is denied access to the course's final exam.
  2. Denial Threshold:
    • Students are denied access to the final exam if their attendance falls below 75% for all programs except health specializations.
    • For health specializations, the attendance threshold is 80%.
  3. Excessive Absence (50%):
    • If student absences exceed 50%, they are not allowed to withdraw from the course.
    • A request for withdrawal can only be raised to the dean of admissions and registration for approval.
  4. Exceptional Cases:
    • The Standing Committee for Educational Affairs may approve exceptions to denial based on department recommendations.
    • Such exceptions apply only if the student meets half of the course requirements and their performance is satisfactory.
  5. Denied Students and Exam Access:
    • Denied students cannot take the final exam unless approved by the college council or based on an appeal request submitted by the student.

These regulations emphasize strict attendance requirements and provide structured processes for handling excessive absenteeism and exceptional cases.

Translation: Absence from the Final Exam – Article 32

Key Rules for Missing Final Exams:

  1. Submission of Excuse:
    • Students absent from the final exam must submit an excuse through the student excuses platform.
    • The excuse must be submitted within one week from the date of the exam.
  2. Approval of the Excuse:
    • The Deanship of Admissions and Registration is notified electronically of the approved excuse.
    • If the excuse is accepted, the student is permitted to take a make-up exam by the end of the second week of the following semester.
    • The deanship adjusts the student's grade accordingly.
  3. Make-Up Exam Period:
    • The make-up exam is held during the final exam period if the excuse is submitted early and approved.
  4. Recording Absence:
    • Students absent from the final exam without a valid excuse are recorded as غ (Absent).

These regulations ensure a structured process for managing absences during final exams, offering students the opportunity to provide valid excuses and take make-up exams when approved.

Translation: Withdrawal from a Semester – Article 16

Key Regulations for Semester Withdrawal:

  1. Permission to Submit a Withdrawal Request:
    • Students can request semester withdrawal in advance, up to three weeks before final exams for the semester begin.
  2. Academic Advisor’s Role:
    • The academic advisor reviews the withdrawal request and submits a recommendation.
    • The request must be approved by the department head or dean within five working days.
  3. Student Attendance:
    • Students must continue attending classes until their withdrawal request is officially approved.
    • If approved, their attendance is formally stopped, as reflected in their academic schedule.
  4. Counting the Withdrawal Period:
    • The withdrawal duration counts toward the overall time allowed to complete graduation requirements.
  5. Time Limit for Withdrawals:
    • Students cannot withdraw for more than three semesters unless exceptional approval is granted by the Standing Committee for Educational Affairs and upon recommendation from the college council.
  6. Withdrawal for Freshman Students:
    • Freshman students are not permitted to withdraw unless one full year has passed since enrollment, except under extenuating circumstances approved by the department and college council.

This process ensures structured approval for semester withdrawal, balancing student needs with academic policies to maintain progress toward graduation.

Translation: Withdrawal from a Course – Article 17

Key Regulations for Withdrawing from a Course:

  1. Course Withdrawal Limits:
    • Students are allowed to withdraw from up to four courses during their university study.
    • Withdrawal in the summer semester counts as half a course.
  2. Repeated Withdrawals:
    • Students cannot withdraw from a course they have previously withdrawn from during their studies.
  3. Withdrawal Deadline:
    • Students must withdraw before the final exams and within the approved withdrawal period for the semester.
  4. Approval Process:
    • The withdrawal request must first be reviewed by the academic advisor.
    • It requires final approval from the department head or dean of the college within five working days.
  5. Late Requests:
    • If a student submits a withdrawal request after the deadline, the advisor must provide a justification.
    • The request then requires approval from both the department council and the college council.
    • Upon approval, the request is sent to the Deanship for Implementation.

This structured process ensures course withdrawals are managed efficiently, maintaining academic integrity while accommodating student needs within established limits.

Translation: Withdrawal from a Course – Article 17 (Continued)

Key Guidelines for Course Withdrawal in a Previous Semester:

  1. Eligibility for Withdrawal:
    • Students are allowed to withdraw from a course they registered for in a previous semester.
  2. Conditions for Withdrawal:
    • The student must have a withdrawal balance available within their allowed withdrawal limit.
    • The withdrawal should not affect the student's academic standing or delay their progress unnecessarily.
  3. Submission Process:
    • The withdrawal request must be submitted in the following semester, provided the course was directly registered in the prior term.
    • Requests can only proceed if the course status shows "Academic Suspension" or as "Incomplete" (غ).

This process provides students with an opportunity to address previous course registration challenges while maintaining academic accountability and performance balance.

Translation: Deferment – Article 18

Key Regulations for Deferment of a Semester:

  1. Requesting Deferment:
    • Students can defer their studies by submitting a deferment request before the end of the first week of the semester.
    • The request must be submitted to the academic advisor for recommendation.
    • Approval is required from the department head and the college dean within five working days.
  2. Graduation Timeline:
    • The deferment period does not count toward the maximum time allowed for completing graduation requirements.
  3. Deferment Limits:
    • Students are not allowed to defer or withdraw for more than three semesters.
    • In exceptional cases, students may defer for an additional fourth semester with approval from the Standing Committee for Educational Affairs and based on compelling circumstances.
  4. Follow-Up Enrollment:
    • Students who defer their studies must resume registration in the following semester.
    • Failure to do so will result in the student being considered discontinued (withdrawn) from their studies.

This policy ensures that deferment requests are carefully regulated to maintain academic progress while allowing flexibility for exceptional circumstances.

Translation: Termination of Enrollment – Article 19

Key Regulations for Termination of Enrollment:

  1. Automatic Termination:
    • A student’s enrollment is terminated if they are absent from studies for four consecutive weeks without submitting a deferment or withdrawal request.
  2. Reinstatement of Enrollment:
    • Enrollment can be reinstated once if the student submits a request within four semesters after termination.
  3. Extended Absence (Five Semesters):
    • If more than five semesters have passed since enrollment termination, the student must apply for re-admission as a new applicant.
    • The previous academic record is reviewed to determine if re-admission conditions apply.
  4. Academic Dismissal:
    • Students whose enrollment was terminated due to academic dismissal (e.g., receiving three academic warnings) cannot request reinstatement.
  5. Reinstatement Limits:
    • Reinstatement of enrollment is permitted only once.
    • A second reinstatement requires approval from the Standing Committee for Educational Affairs and recommendations from both the department council and the college council.

This policy outlines clear rules for automatic termination due to absenteeism and reinstatement eligibility, ensuring students remain actively engaged and accountable in their academic programs.

Translation: Reinstatement of Enrollment – Article 20

Key Regulations for Reinstatement of Enrollment:

  1. Eligibility for Reinstatement:
    • A student whose enrollment was terminated for non-academic reasons may request reinstatement after three years and up to a maximum of five years from the termination decision.
    • The student must not have been dismissed academically.
  2. Academic Progress Requirement:
    • The student must have completed at least 50% of their study plan’s credit hours before termination.
  3. Enrollment in Another Institution:
    • If the student attended another university during the break and was dismissed for academic or disciplinary reasons, reinstatement will not be considered.
  4. Behavioral Conduct:
    • The student must not have committed misconduct during the period of absence.

This policy ensures that reinstatement of enrollment is granted only to students who have maintained a record of satisfactory progress and conduct, safeguarding academic integrity and institutional standards.

Translation: Academic Dismissal – Article 22

Reasons for Academic Dismissal:

  1. Exceeding the Maximum Study Duration:
    • The required graduation period is half the program duration plus additional time.
  2. Cumulative GPA Falling Below 2.0:
    • The student may face dismissal due to continuous low academic performance, leading to multiple warnings.

Academic Warnings and Procedures:

  1. First Warning:
    • If a student receives a first warning, their registration is suspended until they meet with their academic advisor.
    • The suspension is lifted through approval by the department head.
  2. Second Warning:
    • After a second warning, the process is repeated with mandatory communication between the student and their advisor.
    • The department head must approve the suspension's removal.
  3. Third Warning:
    • Students may be granted an exceptional opportunity to continue their studies based on a recommendation from the college council.
    • They must complete one academic semester and improve their academic standing.
  4. Fourth Warning:
    • A final exceptional chance may be granted upon recommendation from the college council and approval from the Standing Committee for Educational Affairs.
    • Students must raise their GPA within one academic semester.

Exceptional Opportunity Conditions:

  • Students granted exceptions must have fewer than 40 credit hours remaining to graduate.

This policy outlines a structured process for academic warnings and dismissals while providing opportunities for students to recover their academic standing and achieve graduation.

Translation: Midterm and Final Exams – Article 29

Regulations for Midterm and Final Exams:

  1. Assessment Criteria:
    • Students’ midterm work and final exams are evaluated according to the course description approved by the university.
  2. Midterm Work Deadline:
    • Midterm work, which includes tests, assignments, research, or projects, must be completed before the start of the final exams.
  3. Retention of Records:
    • Faculty members must retain records of students’ midterm performance for at least one academic year.
  4. Announcement of Results:
    • Course instructors must announce midterm results within two weeks of the test date.
    • Students have the right to review their scores for midterm work.

These rules ensure fairness, transparency, and timely communication of student performance, allowing faculty and students to monitor and address academic progress effectively.

Translation: Final Exams – Article 30

Final Exam Regulations:

  1. Exam Schedule Announcement:
    • The final exam schedule must be announced to students at least one week before the exams begin by the Admissions and Registration Deanship in coordination with the colleges.
  2. Grade Entry and Approval:
    • Grades must be uploaded to the academic system within a period not exceeding 72 hours from the exam time.
    • Approval is required from the department head and the college dean electronically.
  3. Multiple Exams in One Day:
    • A student cannot be scheduled to take more than two exams in one day.
  4. Exam Entry and Exit:
    • Students are not allowed to enter the final exam after the first 30 minutes.
    • Students may not leave the exam room until at least half of the exam duration has passed.
  5. Attendance and Passing Criteria:
    • Attendance in final exams (theoretical, practical, or clinical) is mandatory.
    • Passing the course at King Khalid University requires successfully completing the final exam, regardless of midterm grades.

This regulation ensures the fair and consistent administration of final exams, covering scheduling, attendance, and grading procedures to uphold academic standards.

Translation: Regrading – Article 36

Regrading Regulations:

  1. Student Request:
    • A student may submit a request for regrading within a period not exceeding 15 days after the final results are announced.
  2. Department Head Review:
    • The department head forwards the request to the course instructor to review the grade. If adjustment is needed, the instructor submits a report to the department head for approval.
    • If no adjustment is required, the student is formally notified.
  3. Appeal to a Committee:
    • If the student is not satisfied with the instructor's response, the department head forms a committee of three faculty members to review the grade.
    • A report is prepared and forwarded to the dean for final approval.
  4. Instructor Exclusion:
    • The course instructor is excluded from the committee to ensure impartiality. The final decision of the committee is communicated within 10 days.
  5. Adjustment Process:
    • If regrading results in a grade adjustment, the department head and college dean must approve it. The new grade is sent to the Admissions and Registration Deanship for official updating.
  6. No Duplicate Requests:
    • Students who previously submitted a regrading request cannot submit another request for the same exam.
    • Students have the right to submit an appeal if they are dissatisfied with the committee's decision.

This ensures a fair, systematic process for addressing student concerns about their grades while maintaining academic integrity and transparency.

Translation: Cumulative GPA System – Article 37

Cumulative GPA Grading System

  1. Excellent (ممتاز):
    • If the cumulative GPA is 4.50 or higher out of 5.
  2. Very Good (جيد جداً):
    • If the cumulative GPA is 3.75 to less than 4.50.
  3. Good (جيد):
    • If the cumulative GPA is 2.75 to less than 3.75.
  4. Pass (مقبول):
    • If the cumulative GPA is 2.00 to less than 2.75.
  5. Below Pass:
    • If the cumulative GPA is less than 2.00.

This grading system provides a clear framework for evaluating and categorizing student performance based on their cumulative GPA.


Grading System – Article Thirty-Eight

  1. 95 to 100
    • Grade Symbol: A+
    • Grade: Excellent High
    • Weight (Out of 5): 5.00
  2. 90 to less than 95
    • Grade Symbol: A
    • Grade: Excellent
    • Weight (Out of 5): 4.75
  3. 85 to less than 90
    • Grade Symbol: B+
    • Grade: Very Good High
    • Weight (Out of 5): 4.50
  4. 80 to less than 85
    • Grade Symbol: B
    • Grade: Very Good
    • Weight (Out of 5): 4.00
  5. 75 to less than 80
    • Grade Symbol: C+
    • Grade: Good High
    • Weight (Out of 5): 3.50
  6. 70 to less than 75
    • Grade Symbol: C
    • Grade: Good
    • Weight (Out of 5): 3.00
  7. 65 to less than 70
    • Grade Symbol: D+
    • Grade: Pass High
    • Weight (Out of 5): 2.50
  8. 60 to less than 65
    • Grade Symbol: D
    • Grade: Pass
    • Weight (Out of 5): 2.00
  9. Below 60
    • Grade Symbol: F
    • Grade: Fail
    • Weight (Out of 5): 1.00


Honors Ranks

  1. First-Class Honors
    • Awarded to students with a cumulative GPA ranging from 4.75 to 5.00.
  2. Second-Class Honors
    • Awarded to students with a cumulative GPA ranging from 4.25 to less than 4.75.

Conditions for Receiving Honors

To obtain first-class or second-class honors, the following conditions must be met:

  1. The student must not have failed any course at the university or at another institution.
  2. The student must have completed the graduation requirements within a period between the minimum and maximum duration allowed for their program.
  3. The student must have completed at least 60% of the graduation requirements at King Khalid University.