Deanship of Quality and Development

This document outlines the key guides and regulations implemented at the College, Department, and Program levels at King Khalid University. These guides, such as the Procedural Guide for Measuring Learning Outcomes and the Quality System Manual, form the foundation for ensuring quality and consistency in both academic and administrative practices. They provide comprehensive frameworks for assessing learning outcomes, managing quality assurance, and meeting accreditation standards. However, it is important to note that certain procedural details, such as the specific steps for transferring data into Excel, applying formulas, and other technical processes, are not included here.

Procedural Guide for Measuring Learning Outcomes at King Khalid University (First Edition - April 2023)

The document, Procedural Guide for Measuring Learning Outcomes of Academic Programs at King Khalid University, is a comprehensive 23-page guide that outlines a systematic approach to assessing learning outcomes within academic programs. It emphasizes the critical role of measuring these outcomes to enhance educational quality, align with program objectives, and meet accreditation standards. The guide offers detailed methods for evaluating student progress, improving the effectiveness of teaching, and refining curriculum planning, all aimed at fostering continuous development.

Divided into various sections, the guide addresses the significance of outcome measurement, providing step-by-step guidelines for planning, executing, and reviewing assessments. It also includes specific tools for aligning assessment methods with learning outcomes. Examples of matrices for grading, test question alignment, and reporting results are provided to ensure that academic programs adopt a structured and consistent approach to evaluating student achievements.

The Procedural Guide for Measuring Learning Outcomes was officially approved during the eighth meeting of the Committee for Measuring Learning Outcomes. It was further endorsed by His Excellency, the University President, under approval number 71838, on the 18th of Ramadan, 1444 H. This endorsement underscores the university's commitment to implementing standardized and effective procedures for assessing academic outcomes across all programs.

Quality System Manual at King Khalid University (Third Edition - February 2024)

The Quality System Manual at King Khalid University (Third Edition - 1445/2024) is a detailed 39-page document that provides a comprehensive framework for maintaining and enhancing the quality of academic and administrative processes within the university. It focuses on ensuring that all university entities align with national and international accreditation standards and emphasizes continuous improvement. The manual outlines the policies, structures, and mechanisms designed to manage quality assurance at the institutional, college, and program levels.

Document Structure

The manual begins with an overview, highlighting the importance of quality assurance as a foundation for institutional excellence. It traces the history of quality assurance at the university, from the creation of the initial quality manual in 2020 to the development of this third edition, which integrates lessons from the university's accreditation journey. This edition focuses on maintaining a high level of quality across both academic and administrative functions, while emphasizing the need for continuous documentation and updating of policies and processes.

The document is divided into several key sections, each addressing different aspects of quality management, including:

  • Institutional and Program Accreditation Standards: The manual details the accreditation process, focusing on national and international standards, such as those set by the National Center for Academic Accreditation and Assessment. It explains the roles of various committees and the steps required for both institutional and program accreditation, including the submission of periodic reports and evidence.

  • Organizational Structure: This section provides a breakdown of the university’s quality system, emphasizing the responsibilities of different entities, from the Deanship of Development and Quality to the individual colleges and programs. It also outlines the creation of quality assurance committees at various levels to monitor and ensure compliance with accreditation standards.

  • Strategic Planning and Risk Management: The manual addresses the importance of strategic planning in guiding the university's efforts towards institutional excellence. It also includes a section on risk management, outlining the university's approach to identifying and mitigating risks through the application of international standards such as ISO 31000.

  • Administrative Quality: The manual discusses the implementation of Quality Management Systems (QMS) in administrative entities, focusing on processes such as performance evaluation, documentation, and service quality. It provides guidelines for continuous improvement through the adoption of ISO 9001 standards.

  • Academic Quality Assurance: The manual describes the process of ensuring quality in academic programs, including procedures for accrediting and developing curricula, plans, and evaluation methods. It details the internal review processes, such as periodic monitoring and reporting, that support the continuous improvement of academic programs.

The manual concludes with an appendix, including various updated forms and guides that are essential for the implementation of the quality assurance system. These resources serve as practical tools for university staff to ensure that the institution continues to meet the high standards required for accreditation and quality management.

In summary, these guides are vital to maintaining the high standards of education and administrative quality at King Khalid University. While they offer a broad overview of the systems in place for quality assurance and learning outcomes assessment, some specific processes—such as technical instructions for data management and calculation methods—are not covered in these documents.
As updates to these editions or additional guides that are recognized as rules or regulations are provided, we will ensure they are promptly uploaded here. Should no updates be made available, the current version will remain in place until further notice.