General Administration of University Security (Rules and Regulations)

The General Administration of University Security at King Khalid University is responsible for ensuring the safety and security of all university members, including those within the College of Languages and Translation. The rules and regulations provided by this administration, such as the Labor Law, Civil Service System, Traffic Law, and various guidelines for safety and security, are crucial for maintaining a secure and compliant environment on campus. These regulations encompass a wide range of areas, from traffic safety and the use of the flag to the specific requirements for the security guard sector and general civil safety. By implementing these rules and regulations at the program, department, and college levels, the College of Languages and Translation ensures that its environment is safe, secure, and aligned with national laws and university policies.

Rules and Regulations 

  1. Labor Law
  2. Flag Law of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  3. Civil Service System
  4. Traffic Law
  5. Private Civil Security Guard System
  6. Executive Regulations for Human Resources
  7. Executive Regulations for the Private Civil Security Guard System
  8. Executive Regulations for the Labor Law and its Annexes
  9. Traffic Violations and Penalties Regulations
  10. Guidelines for Using the Flag of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
  11. Guidelines for the Physical Work Environment in Government Agencies
  12. Work Environment Requirements in the Security Guard Sector
  13. General Civil Safety Guidelines
  14. Traffic Safety Guidelines

In conclusion, the rules and regulations provided by the General Administration of University Security are essential for maintaining a safe and compliant environment within the College of Languages and Translation. These guidelines ensure that all faculty, staff, and students are aware of their responsibilities regarding safety, security, and legal compliance on campus. By adhering to these regulations, the College of Languages and Translation upholds a standard of safety and security that supports the well-being of its community and contributes to the overall mission of King Khalid University. The college is committed to ensuring that these standards are maintained at all levels, providing a secure environment conducive to academic and professional excellence.