Registration FAQs

Welcome to the Registration FAQs section. Here, we've compiled answers to common questions about the registration process to help make your academic journey smoother. You'll find information on topics such as applying as a visitor student, understanding credit hour limits, and managing your course schedule through Academia. We encourage all students, both new and continuing, to read through these FAQs to gain a better understanding of our registration procedures.


Frequently Asked Questions

1 How do I apply as an external visitor to King Khalid University?
To apply as an external visitor, first log in to the King Khalid University website and navigate to the Academia section. From there, select "Applications" and then choose the "External Visitor Application Form." Fill in all required fields and attach the form approved by your home university. After saving your application, the head of the relevant department at King Khalid University will review your submission through Academia. They will check the registered courses and their equivalents, comparing them with the course descriptions you provided from your home university. Once approved, your application as an external visitor will be processed.
2 How do I apply as an internal visitor to King Khalid University?
To apply as an internal visitor, log in to Academia and select "Online Registration." Then, choose the option "Visitor for a university student outside his/her headquarters." Browse the list of offered courses and select the ones you wish to take, along with their respective departments. After making your selections, click "Add" to include them in your application. Finally, click "Install" to confirm and submit your internal visitor application.
3 Are new students eligible to register as visitors?
New students are not eligible to apply for visitor status, either internal or external, until they have completed two semesters at their home institution. This waiting period ensures that students have established a solid academic foundation before pursuing visitor opportunities at other campuses or institutions.
4 When are semester exams held, and are they conducted in-person or remotely?
The dates for semester exams are determined by each individual college within the university. All examinations are conducted in-person, as per the college's decision. Students should consult their specific college's schedule and announcements for exact exam dates and locations.
5 How can I find out the dates of the final exams?
Final exam dates are announced through several official channels. You can find this information on the university's official website and in your personal Academia account. It's recommended to check all these sources regularly for the most up-to-date information regarding exam schedules. Your Academia account will provide you with personalized exam dates based on your enrolled courses.
6 What is the maximum number of credit hours allowed for registration during the summer semester?
The maximum number of credit hours allowed for registration during the summer semester varies depending on the student's status. Non-graduate students are permitted to register for up to 10 credit hours during the summer term. Graduate students, on the other hand, are allowed to register for a maximum of 12 credit hours in the summer semester.
7 What is the maximum number of credit hours that can be registered during a regular semester?
The maximum number of credit hours that can be registered during a regular semester varies depending on the student's status and academic performance: For graduate students, the limit is set at 24 credit hours per semester, provided that course availability allows for this maximum load. For non-graduate students, the maximum credit hour load is determined based on the student's Grade Point Average (GPA). The specific number of credit hours allowed may increase or decrease depending on the student's academic standing. Students should consult with their academic advisors or the registrar's office for personalized information regarding their maximum credit hour limit based on their current GPA.
8 How is the result of an external visitor's coursework approved?
After completing the semester as an external visitor, you must submit your academic record for approval. To do this, log into Academia and navigate to the Tawasul section. From there, select "Deanship of Admission and Registration" and choose the option to attach your academic record from the courses studied outside King Khalid University. This step is crucial for the proper evaluation and equating of your coursework. Once you've uploaded your academic record, the relevant department will review it to ensure the courses align with King Khalid University's curriculum and will then approve the results accordingly.
9 Are courses passed at another university as an external visitor counted towards the GPA?
While courses taken as an external visitor at another university can be approved for credit at King Khalid University, the grades received in these courses are not factored into your cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA). The courses will appear on your transcript and count towards your degree requirements if approved, but they will not affect your overall GPA at King Khalid University. This policy ensures that your GPA reflects only the coursework completed at your home institution.
10 Are courses studied outside King Khalid University as a visitor counted in the GPA?
Courses taken by a student as a visitor at another institution are not factored into the cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) at King Khalid University. While these courses may be approved for credit and appear on the student's transcript, the grades received do not impact the student's overall GPA. This policy applies to all courses taken as a visitor, ensuring that the GPA reflects only the coursework completed directly at King Khalid University.
11 When are the application periods for external visitors?
The application periods for external visitors coincide with the course add/drop dates. These dates are announced through two official channels: the website of the Deanship of Admission and Registration. Students interested in becoming external visitors should regularly check these sources for the most up-to-date information on application deadlines and procedures.
12 How do I add or delete courses using Academia?
To add or delete courses using Academia, start by logging into your account and selecting "Electronic Registration" from the main menu. Then, choose the "Delete and Add" option. From here, you can select your desired action: Delete a Course, Add a Course, or Modify a Section. For adding courses, browse the list of offered courses and select the ones you wish to add. To delete courses, simply select the ones you want to remove from your schedule. After making your selections, review your changes and confirm the request. Finally, enter your Academia password to finalize the transaction. Remember to complete this process within the designated add/drop period to ensure your changes are processed successfully.
13 When are application periods available for internal visitors (between locations)?
The application periods for internal visitors, which allow students to study at different locations within King Khalid University, are announced through official channels. Students can find these important dates on the website of the Deanship of Admission and Registration. It's advisable for students interested in becoming internal visitors to regularly check sources to stay informed about the application windows and ensure they don't miss any deadlines.
14 When are the registration dates (drop and add period) available?
The registration dates, which include the drop and add period, are communicated through official university channels. Students can find this crucial information on the website of the Deanship of Admission and Registration. It's important for students to regularly check both these sources to stay informed about the upcoming registration periods. This ensures that students don't miss the opportunity to adjust their course schedules within the designated timeframe.
15 What is the method for registering the academic schedule?
The method for registering the academic schedule varies depending on whether you are a new or continuing student. For new students, the process is straightforward as their schedules are registered automatically by the university. This ensures a smooth transition into their academic program. On the other hand, continuing students (non-new students) have more flexibility in creating their schedules. These students will receive text messages on their mobile phones with instructions on how to register for their courses. They can then select from available departments and time slots that best fit their preferences and requirements. This system allows continuing students to tailor their schedules according to their individual needs while working within the framework of their degree program.