Welcome to the College of Languages and Translation’s Academic Procedures and Frequently Asked Questions page. This resource provides essential information on various academic processes and policies that affect your studies. Here, you'll find details on attendance requirements, course withdrawal procedures, grading systems, and how to request academic recommendations. We cover important topics such as absence warnings, honors degree criteria, and the process for changing personal information in university records. Whether you need to understand re-enrollment conditions, learn about exceptional opportunity requests, or navigate the Academia system, this page offers guidance to help you manage your academic journey effectively. We encourage all students to review this information carefully to ensure compliance with university regulations and to make informed decisions throughout their time at the College of Languages and Translation.
Frequently Asked Questions
1 What are the percentages at which a student is deprived?
Students face a tiered system of warnings and potential course deprivation based on their absence rates. A first warning is issued when a student's absence rate reaches 10%, followed by a second warning at 15%. If the absence rate exceeds 25%, the student will be deprived of attending all university courses, with the exception of health colleges where the deprivation threshold is set at 20%. Once these thresholds are crossed, students are no longer permitted to attend the affected classes.
2 How do I get an academic recommendation?
You can request an academic recommendation through the electronic services platform under the "academic recommendations" section. This online system allows students to submit their requests efficiently, eliminating the need for in-person visits to administrative offices. Once you access the appropriate section, follow the prompts to complete your request, ensuring you provide any required information or documentation. The electronic service streamlines the process, making it convenient for students to obtain academic recommendations for various purposes such as job applications, further studies, or scholarship opportunities.
3 What is the meaning of a retroactive apology and what are its conditions?
A retroactive apology refers to a request for excusal from a previous semester, specifically the semester immediately preceding the current one. This option is available to students under certain conditions. The primary requirement is that the student must not have any grades recorded for any courses in the semester for which they are seeking the retroactive apology. This means that if a student has received even a single grade in any course during that semester, they are not eligible for this type of excusal. The purpose of a retroactive apology is typically to address situations where a student was unable to formally withdraw or communicate their inability to attend classes during the relevant semester, allowing them to avoid academic penalties retroactively.
4 Can academic actions (postponement/excuse for a semester/excuse for a course/withdrawal) be reversed?
Yes, academic actions such as postponement, excusal for a semester, excusal for a course, or withdrawal can be reversed, but there is a strict time limit for doing so. You have a window of 72 hours from the time the initial request was executed to cancel or reverse the action. This three-day period allows students a brief opportunity to reconsider their decision or correct any errors in their request. After this 72-hour window has passed, the academic action becomes final and cannot be reversed. It's important to carefully consider your decision and act promptly if you wish to cancel any of these academic actions.
5 My course results are not showing up in Academia?
To view your course results in the Academia system, you must first complete the course evaluation for the lecturer. This requirement is in place to ensure student feedback is collected for quality assurance purposes. Once you have submitted the evaluation through the Academia website, your course results will become visible. This policy encourages student participation in the evaluation process and helps maintain the quality of education by providing valuable feedback to instructors and administrators. If you've completed the evaluation and still can't see your results, you may need to refresh the page.
6 Does King Khalid University have a correspondence or distance learning system?
King Khalid University does not offer any distance learning or correspondence programs. The university's educational model is based entirely on traditional on-campus instruction. This means that all courses, programs, and degrees offered by King Khalid University require students to attend classes in person at the university's physical campuses. The absence of distance learning options underscores the institution's commitment to face-to-face education and direct interaction between students and faculty. Students considering enrollment at King Khalid University should be prepared for full-time, on-campus study as there are no remote or correspondence alternatives available.
7 Is there a list of academic procedures?
Yes, a comprehensive list of academic procedures is available for students to access. You can find this information in the study and exam regulations, which are published on the website of the Deanship of Admission and Registration. This document typically covers a wide range of academic policies and procedures, including but not limited to enrollment, attendance requirements, exam protocols, grading systems, and various administrative processes. By reviewing these regulations, students can gain a clear understanding of the academic rules and procedures they need to follow throughout their time at the university. It's advisable for all students to familiarize themselves with this resource to ensure compliance with university policies and to make informed decisions about their academic journey.
8 What is the contact number for the Deanship of Admission and Registration?
You can contact the Deanship of Admission and Registration via the unified number 017-241-8000, followed by extension 3. This service is available during official working hours, which are from Sunday to Thursday, 8 am to 2 pm. By providing a unified number with a specific extension, the university ensures that students and other stakeholders can easily reach the appropriate department for admission and registration-related inquiries. Remember that this contact option is only available during the specified working hours, so plan your calls accordingly to receive assistance with your academic administrative needs.
9 How can I apply for a re-correction?
To apply for a re-correction, you must follow a specific process through the Academia system. First, log into your Academia account and navigate to "My Services." From there, select "Request for Re-Correction." Complete the necessary information in the request form and save it. After submission, you need to wait for the college's approval, which typically takes up to two weeks from the date the result was announced. It's important to note that you should submit this request as soon as possible after the results are published to ensure it falls within the allowed timeframe. The college will review your request and communicate their decision through the system, so make sure to check your Academia account regularly for updates on your re-correction application status.
10 What are the conditions for granting a degree with honors?
King Khalid University grants honors degrees based on cumulative GPA and specific criteria. First class honors are awarded to students with a cumulative GPA of 4.75 to 5.00, while second class honors go to those with a GPA of 4.25 to less than 4.75. To be eligible for honors, students must meet three key conditions: they should not have failed any course throughout their university studies, including at previous institutions if transferred; they must complete graduation requirements within a timeframe not exceeding the average between the minimum and maximum allowed period of study; and they must have completed at least 60% of their graduation requirements at King Khalid University. These conditions ensure that honors are awarded to students who consistently demonstrate academic excellence throughout their university career.
11 What is my rank in the batch?
There is no batch ranking system at the university. King Khalid University does not employ a system that ranks students within their batch or cohort. This means that students are not assigned numerical or percentile rankings in comparison to their peers.
12 How can I submit an exceptional opportunity request?
To submit an exceptional opportunity request, you need to follow a specific process through the Academia system. First, log into your Academia account and navigate to "Enter Requests." From there, select "Request for Exceptional Academic Movement." When prompted for the Type of Movement, choose "Exceptional Opportunity." You'll then need to provide a reason for your request in the designated field. Once you've completed all required information, save the request. It's important to be clear and concise when stating your reason, as this will be reviewed by the relevant academic committee. After submission, monitor your Academia account for updates on the status of your request, as you may be contacted for additional information or notified of the decision through this platform.
13 How can I submit a re-enrollment request?
To submit a re-enrollment request, you need to access the Academia system and follow these steps: Log into your Academia account, then navigate to "Enter Requests." From there, select "Request Exceptional Academic Movement." When prompted for the type of movement, choose "Re-attendance." You'll then need to provide a reason for your re-enrollment request in the designated field. It's important to clearly state your reasons for seeking re-enrollment, as this information will be considered during the review process. Once you've entered all the necessary information, save the request. After submission, keep an eye on your Academia account for any updates or responses to your re-enrollment request, as further action or information may be required.
14 What are the conditions for re-registration?
Re-registration at the university is subject to specific conditions. Firstly, the request for re-registration must be made within four semesters of the initial registration being closed; any longer period makes the student ineligible. Secondly, students who have been academically dismissed after receiving three warnings are not eligible for re-registration. This rule is in place to maintain academic standards and ensure students are capable of meeting the university's requirements. Lastly, a student is allowed to re-register only once during their academic career at the institution. This limitation emphasizes the importance of maintaining good academic standing and adhering to university policies after being granted a re-registration opportunity. These conditions are designed to balance giving students a chance to continue their education with maintaining the university's academic integrity.
15 How can I change my name in English?
You can change your name in English through the Academia system. The process is straightforward and can be completed entirely online through your student account. After making the change, be sure to save your updates. It's important to ensure that the new English name you enter matches your official documents to avoid any discrepancies in university records.
16 How can I change my name in Arabic?
To change your name in Arabic, you need to submit a formal request through the Academia system. Start by logging into your Academia account and navigating to the "Contact" section. From there, select the option for "Change Name." It's crucial to attach official documentation that proves the name change, such as a court order or updated government ID. This documentation is necessary to verify the legitimacy of your request and ensure accuracy in university records. After completing the request form and attaching the required proof, submit your application. The university will then review your request and supporting documents before making the change in the system. Remember that this process is for changing your Arabic name specifically, and it may take some time for the request to be processed and approved.
17 How do I change my date of birth?
To change your date of birth in the university records, you can do so directly through the Academia system. Log into your Academia account and navigate to the "Personal" section. Once there, look for an option to "Edit Date of Birth." This feature allows you to update your birth date information yourself. Simply select the correct date using the provided interface and save your changes. It's important to ensure that the new date you enter matches your official documents to maintain accuracy in university records.
18 What is the method of withdrawing from a course?
To withdraw from a course, you must submit a request through the Academia system. Start by logging into your Academia account and navigating to "Enter Requests." From there, select "Request for Exceptional Academic Movement." When prompted for the Type of Movement, choose "Excuse from a Course." You'll then need to provide a reason for your request to withdraw from the course. It's important to clearly state your reasons, as this information will be considered during the review process. Once you've entered all the necessary information, save the request. After submission, monitor your Academia account for updates on the status of your request, as you may be contacted for additional information or notified of the decision through this platform. Remember that there may be deadlines or academic consequences for course withdrawal, so submit your request as early as possible.
19 What are the conditions for withdrawing from a course?
The study and examination regulations at the university stipulate specific conditions for course withdrawal. Firstly, a student is not allowed to withdraw from a course they have previously withdrawn from, ensuring that this option is not abused for the same course multiple times. Secondly, there is a limit on the number of course withdrawals allowed; a student has the right to withdraw from a maximum of 4 courses throughout their academic program. This limit encourages students to carefully consider their course loads and commitments. Lastly, withdrawal is not permitted for any course where a final exam grade has already been assigned. This condition prevents students from withdrawing after receiving an unfavorable grade. These regulations are in place to maintain academic integrity while providing students with some flexibility in managing their course loads.
20 How do I withdraw from a semester?
To withdraw from a semester, you need to submit a request through the Academia system. Start by logging into your Academia account and navigating to "Enter Requests." From there, select "Request for Exceptional Academic Movement." When prompted for the Type of Movement, choose "Excuse for Separation." You'll then need to provide a reason for your request to withdraw from the entire semester. It's important to clearly state your reasons, as this information will be reviewed by the relevant academic committee. Once you've entered all the necessary information, save the request. After submission, keep an eye on your Academia account for any updates or responses to your withdrawal request, as further action or information may be required. Remember that withdrawing from a semester can have significant academic implications, so carefully consider your decision and consult with an academic advisor if needed.
21 What is the difference between withdrawing and a postponement?
The main differences between withdrawing and postponement lie in their timing, impact on graduation requirements, and available opportunities. Postponement must be requested before the start of the study period or no later than the end of the first week of classes, as per the university's academic calendar. Importantly, a postponed semester is not counted towards the time required to complete graduation requirements. In contrast, withdrawal occurs after the first week of classes has begun and is counted within the period required to complete graduation requirements. This distinction affects a student's academic timeline and potentially their expected graduation date. Regarding opportunities, bachelor's degree students have a total of three chances to either withdraw or postpone throughout their academic career. Diploma students, on the other hand, are limited to two opportunities in total for either withdraw or postponement. These regulations are designed to provide flexibility while ensuring students progress through their programs in a timely manner.