
The Effect of Expansion of Vision Span on Reading Speed: A Case Study of EFL Major Students

The Effect of Expansion of Vision Span on Reading Speed: A Case Study of EFL Major Students

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On February 27, 2017, the Language Research Center at the Faculty of Languages and Translation hosted a thought-provoking seminar featuring Dr. Basim Kanan's presentation, The Effect of Expansion of Vision Span on Reading Speed. This insightful presentation was founded on a research study conducted by Dr. Basim Kanan, Salahud Din Abdul-Rab, and Ahlullah Siddiqui.

The crux of the presentation centered around the importance of bolstering reading speed. Dr. Kanan highlighted the critical role of reading comprehension as it enables the reader to decipher symbols and extract the underlying message. He effectively showcased the correlation between eye pauses and reading speed.

In his presentation, Dr. Kanan illuminated the concepts of reading span or visual span and eye-span, exploring how these terms interplay in the reading process. He demonstrated the progression of a language learner as they enhance their reading speed from the letter level to the sentence level.

A significant part of the research study involved conducting practical training for King Khalid University (KKU) students, aimed at improving their reading speed. The results displayed a remarkable uptick in reading speed amongst the learners post-training. Dr. Kanan concluded that the average reading speed of KKU's undergraduate English as a Foreign Language (EFL) students stand at 75 words per minute, with an approximate comprehension rate of 70%.

The seminar was characterized by its interactive and enlightening nature, creating an environment ripe for learning. Notably, the Al Samer campus also participated in the seminar via video conferencing, demonstrating the institution's commitment to inclusivity and accessibility in education.