13th Research Day Achieves 3rd Place
The 13th Annual Research Day, an esteemed academic event, was conducted on April 4, 2018, under the stewardship of Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, the Dean, and Dr. Ismail Al-Refaai, the Director of the Language Research Center.
In a testament to the quality of this event, it secured third place in an evaluation conducted by the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Khalid University. This achievement stands as a testament to the committed efforts made by the organizing committee.
The organization and seamless execution of the event was attributed to the committed work of the committee. This group was directed by Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi and Dr. Ismail Al-Refaai, with other members including Erich Beer, Javed Ahmed, Mohammad Adil Siddique, Mohammad Sherajul Islam, Sayed Karim, Salahud Din Abdul Rab, and Shahrear Talukder from the male campus. The female campus saw Amal Metwally and Ivy Sultana ensuring the outstanding organization and coordination of the event.
The event showcased a wealth of scholarly works, with a total of 17 oral presentations and 10 poster displays, affirming the high-level intellectual activity within the Faculty of Languages and Translation.