E-Learning Workshop for M.A. Students
Under the patronage of Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, the Dean, the E-Learning Unit of the College organized a comprehensive E-Learning Workshop specifically designed for M.A. students of the College.
The workshop was conducted by Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan, the Supervisor of the E-Learning Unit, who delivered a detailed presentation titled "E-Learning & Blackboard." During the session, Mr. Khan emphasized the significance of e-Learning in today's world and its relevance to the students' academic journey. He introduced the students to the fundamental and advanced tools available on the Blackboard platform.
Through practical demonstrations, Mr. Khan provided hands-on training on the effective utilization of various Blackboard tools, including Announcements, Lectures, Assignments, E-Tests, the Discussion Board, Blackboard Elluminate Live, Wikis, and Course Messages. The students gained insights into how these tools can enhance their learning experience and facilitate efficient communication with their instructors.
Mr. Khan also highlighted the different levels of e-Learning, such as supportive levels, blended levels, and full E-Learning courses. Furthermore, he discussed the Quality Matters Program, which sets standards for ensuring the quality of e-learning courses. He referred to the eight general standards and forty-three specific standards outlined by the QM program, emphasizing the importance of adhering to these guidelines to maintain the highest quality in e-learning environments.
By organizing this workshop, the E-Learning Unit aimed to equip M.A. students with the necessary skills and knowledge to effectively engage with the e-Learning tools available through Blackboard. The workshop provided valuable insights into the potential of e-Learning to enhance the students' educational experience and foster a dynamic and interactive learning environment.