
Uploading Exam Results Training Workshop

Uploading Exam Results Training Workshop

Faculty of Languages and Translation

The E-Learning Unit of the Faculty of Languages and Translation (clt) organized a workshop titled "Uploading Exam Results on the KKU Registration Website." Led by Mohsin Khan, the E-Learning Supervisor, the workshop provided participants with a comprehensive understanding of the procedures involved in uploading exam results to the KKU Registration Website.

During the workshop, Mr. Khan explained the seamless integration of various web platforms that contribute to a streamlined approach in entering results. His presentation aimed to equip participants with the necessary knowledge and skills to efficiently manage and upload exam results.

Additionally, Mr. Rizwan Ghani delivered a detailed presentation focusing on the effective downloading and sorting of results from BlackBoard, an e-learning platform. His presentation demonstrated the technical procedures of using Microsoft Excel to sort and organize exam results, providing participants with valuable insights into optimizing their result management process.

The workshop offered participants valuable guidance on navigating the exam result uploading process, leveraging the functionalities of online platforms, and utilizing tools like Microsoft Excel to enhance efficiency and accuracy. Overall, the workshop facilitated a better understanding of result management and equipped participants with the necessary skills for effective administration of exam results.

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