
Linguistics Hour: Focus on Writing Fundamentals

Linguistics Hour: Focus on Writing Fundamentals

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On February 5th, the English Club convened in the Language Enhancement Program (LEP) room on the main campus for another engaging 'Linguistics Hour' session. This ongoing series seeks to identify challenges in English language learning, explore innovative methods for enhancing English language education, and pinpoint practical applications of English within the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The session's keynote speaker was Lecturer Khalid Al-Qasemi. Al-Qasemi, who recently earned his master’s degree from California, USA, is a newly promoted faculty member and also served as the Director of Student Activities last semester. His close ties to the student body and robust educational background attracted more than 30 attendees to the session.

Al-Qasemi emphasized the value of proficient writing and revisited the foundational aspects of high-quality authorship. He discussed the four cornerstones of effective writing: grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and punctuation. Moreover, he likened writing to the process of construction, stating that one begins with a single building block, and with time and effort, constructs a complete structure. "Words form sentences. Sentences evolve into paragraphs. Paragraphs, in turn, transform into essays, articles, or books. This is the fundamental strategy for the comprehensive expression of ideas," he elucidated.

Wrapping up the Linguistics Hour, Al-Qasemi expressed his gratitude to all the attendees and encouraged students to invest in refining their writing skills. "While writing can be challenging, competent writers are deeply valued and respected across all professions. The most effective way to enhance your writing is through consistent practice, and the rewards of this effort are immense," he said. He also encouraged students to attend the upcoming Linguistics Hour for further enriching discussions.