
Social Media Celebrities

Social Media Celebrities

Faculty of Languages and Translation

In December 2016, the English Club at King Khalid University hosted an enlightening and engaging debate on the topic of "Social Media Celebrities." The debate was designed to foster critical thinking, communication, collaboration, and creativity among the students.

The participants passionately argued their perspectives, displaying commendable civic awareness and engagement, much to the appreciation of the audience. Khalid Al-Shehri, who won the first place arguing against the motion, remarked, "We are deeply reliant on the online world, sometimes more than reality. Although we need role models, we must be conscious of the potential for negative influence they may wield." Yasser Al-Shahrani, who placed second arguing for the motion, countered, "Social media celebrities are akin to a two-sided mirror. If kept clean, it reflects goodness, and if tarnished, the opposite."

The debate was judged by Prof. Habib Abdesslem and Dr. Omer Sultan, who commended the students for their persuasive arguments, eloquence, and overall accuracy. Abdullah Asiri, Director of Student Activities, congratulated all participants on their impressive performances and expressed anticipation for the English Club's future events in the upcoming semester.

In addition to the debate, an essay contest was held with awards presented to the winners by evaluators Abdullah Asiri, Hassan Costello, and Saiful Islam:

  • 1st Place: Omar Muhammad Jama
  • 2nd Place: Khalid Al-Qahtani
  • 3rd Place: Khalid Al-Shehri

The event was made possible by the diligent efforts of the English Club members, especially Abdullah Al-Qahtani who served as the Event Moderator and Mohammed Salem Shehri who was the Event Host. Special recognition was given to Naif Musfer Bassami for his contribution in developing a pilot Android/iPhone app.

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