
A Corpus-Based Critical Discourse Analysis of Metaphors in Press Discourse

A Corpus-Based Critical Discourse Analysis of Metaphors in Press Discourse

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On February 15, 2016, the Language Research Center of King Khalid University hosted a captivating seminar featuring Dr. Fahad Otaif, Vice Dean of Academic Development and Quality. Dr. Otaif shed light on a critical aspect of media discourse in his thought-provoking presentation titled "Metaphorical Framing of Media Discourse and the Representation of the Other: A Corpus-based Critical Discourse Analysis of Metaphors in the Press Discourse."

Dr. Otaif's paper delved into the metaphorical framing of a specific news event in the British press and the BBC news website. He examined its impact on the overall lexical and intertextual cohesion of the discourse topic and the portrayal of the "other."

At the heart of his talk was the compelling exploration of Media Discourse, especially the influential role of metaphors. Dr. Otaif argued that metaphors, despite their importance, have been substantially underappreciated or neglected in discourse analysis. He emphasized the lack of investigation into metaphor use as a tool for cross-cultural communication representing social minorities in Britain, thus opening new avenues for discourse studies.

The seminar took an exciting turn when Dr. Otaif delved into the phenomenon of intertextuality. He illustrated how metaphors, often seen as enriching elements, could instead curtail understanding and perception when overused or misapplied.

Dr. Otaif's presentation culminated with a vibrant interactive session, where participants engaged in insightful discussions, turning the event into a hub of intellectual exchange. The seminar concluded as a triumphant success, effectively blending informational content with interactive discussion, making it an enriching experience for all attendees.