
Spelling Bee

Spelling Bee

Faculty of Languages and Translation

The Spelling Bee competition for English major students from levels one and two took place on Tuesday, November 3rd, in Auditorium 5. The event attracted a large audience, with the auditorium nearly filled to capacity. Around 30 students participated in the first round, and as the competition progressed, contestants were eliminated until only three remained. The words used in the competition were chosen from a predetermined list of 275 words, ranging from one-syllable to three-syllable words, with increasing difficulty in each round.

The participants displayed impressive spelling skills, and the audience was captivated by the intensity of the competition. The final results were as follows:

  • First place and prize: Omar Mohammad Ahmed Jama
  • Second place and prize: Mudawi Salem
  • Third place and prize: Hatim Ibrahim

In his opening address, Dr. Abdullah Al-Melhi, the Dean of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, emphasized the importance of seizing every opportunity to improve spelling skills, considering the notorious inconsistencies in the English language. Dr. Abdulkhaleq Al Qahtani, the Vice Dean of Academic Development and Quality, reiterated the significance of events that promote the use of English as the target language in his closing remarks.

The next and final Spelling Bee competition of the semester and academic year will take place on Tuesday, November 10th, featuring contestants from levels 3 and 4. The prize-giving ceremony for both competitions will be held during this event.

The organizers of the Spelling Bee competition are as follows:

Committee members:

  • Dr. Mohammad Nurul Islam
  • Dr. Mohammad Osman
  • Dr. Nisar Ahmed Koka
  • Mr. Erich Beer
  • Mr. Mohammad Adil

Graphic Designer:

  • Mr. Salahuddin Abdulrab

Judges and Pronouncers:

  • Dr. Sorin Ciutacu
  • Mr. Matthew Paul
  • Dr. Rafiq Shamiry

Event Management:

  • Mr. Ibrahim Alasmari
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