Faculty Presentations

The faculty's engagement in sharing knowledge and research through presentations has been steadily vigorous over recent years, exemplifying a deep-rooted dedication to educational dissemination. In 2016, the stage was set with 28 faculty presentations, serving as a prelude to further intellectual outreach. The number modestly increased to 44 in 2017 and reached 49 in 2018, maintaining a stable commitment to scholarly communication. The year 2019 observed a slight uptick to 54 presentations, followed by 53 presentations in 2020. The year 2021 saw a decrease to 34 presentations. It should be noted that the data for 2022 to 2024 has not yet been tracked. Despite this, the longitudinal data underscores the faculty's relentless pursuit of academic dialogue and thought leadership, fortifying the college's reputation as a center for scholarly exchange.