
Time Management Is the Key to Success Workshop

Time Management Is the Key to Success Workshop

Faculty of Languages and Translation

The Women's English Club of the Faculty of Languages and Translation, in collaboration with the Deanship of Student Affairs, organized a workshop titled 'Time Management Is the Key to Success' on February 11th. The workshop was skillfully prepared and delivered by Mrs. Maram Almalki.

The workshop revolved around the significance of time management and various strategies to effectively manage one's time. Mrs. Almalki shared insights into problem-solving techniques and imparted basic skills for goal setting and planning, which are integral components of successful time management.

To ensure practical comprehension, the workshop culminated in an interactive session where students brainstormed on real-life situations in which they could apply the skills learned. This added an element of practicality, allowing students to visualize how these strategies would fit into their daily routines. The workshop was not only informative but also provided tools to help students make the most of their time, contributing to their overall academic success.