
Linguistics Hour: Showcasing the Benefits of Multilingualism

Linguistics Hour: Showcasing the Benefits of Multilingualism

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On November 12th, there was a gathering of the English Club in the Language Enhancement Program (LEP) room at the main campus. The purpose of the meeting was to conduct another installment of the “Linguistics Hour”. The Linguistics Hour is a continuing project to identify issues in English language learning, discuss methods for improving English language education, and to identify practical applications for the usage of English in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

At the commencement of the Linguistics Hour, there were two roundtable discussions each led by LEP staff members. First, Dr. Hasan Jaashan discussed a variety of topics related to applied linguistics and language acquisition. Then, Saqub Aftab shared information about a language study. This study concluded inter alia that young children possess the ability to learn multiple languages at a near-native level proficiency.

The featured speaker at the Linguistics Hour was Prof. Abdallah Hady Al-Kahtany. Prof. Al-Kahtany is a highly-respected educator of the English language. He also served as the Dean of Faculty Affairs. This gives him a broad and deep understanding of the issues surrounding foreign language education.

Prof. Al-Kahtany began by inquiring of the student participants how they were drawn to studying English at the university level. There was a wide variety of interesting responses. One student said he became interested in the language when he rode with his father who was a driver for foreigners who spoke English. Prof. Al-Kahtany cautioned the students that their studies should revolve around more than future employment prospects. He emphasized that studying language should be an effort driven by internal curiosity and desire.

Prof. Al-Kahtany noted the potential benefits of being multilingual. He explained that knowing several languages expands ones worldview and gives a deeper understanding of cultures and international issues. In addition, being able to communicate in the native languages of other countries is an ideal way of spreading the message of Islam throughout the world. Multilingual communication also presents the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in a positive light.

Then, Prof. Al-Kahtany admonished the students to make learning a lifelong ambition. He noted that the more one reads, the more one learns. Learning, for its own sake, is a noble and valuable cause he concluded.

At the end of the Linguistics Hour, Prof. Al-Kahtany thanked all of the students and staff who participated, noting that the LEP is a valuable resource to our students. Director of Student Activities, Khalid Al-Qasemi, thanked on behalf of the English Club, all of the faculty who participated and mentioned he looked forward to more Linguistics Hour Programs.