
Flipped Model Classroom

Flipped Model Classroom

Faculty of Languages and Translation

Mr. Mohsin Raza Khan recently delivered a compelling presentation at a seminar held by the Language Research Center of King Khalid University on October 11, 2017. The talk, titled "Flipped Model Classroom," focused on the efficacy and advantages of this innovative pedagogical approach.

In his address, Khan defined a "flipped classroom" as a teaching model that reverses traditional lecture and homework components. This innovative approach, originally developed by educators Jon Bergmann and Aaron Sams, prioritizes active learning. Khan illustrated the difference between a traditional classroom, which typically begins with a lecture, and a flipped model, which starts with hands-on activities. This means that students view lectures at home while engaging in interactive activities during class time.

Khan underscored the potential benefits of a flipped classroom model. He suggested that this approach can boost learner involvement in the educational process, leading to superior learning outcomes. He further supplemented his presentation by referencing recent studies conducted within Saudi Arabia that support this innovative pedagogical model.

The seminar, which was also virtually attended by participants from the King Abdullah Road and Al Samer campuses, was lauded for its informative, interactive nature, and overall success.