
Capturing the Emotional Experiences of English as Foreign Language University Teachers: A Critical Perspective

Capturing the Emotional Experiences of English as Foreign Language University Teachers: A Critical Perspective

Faculty of Languages and Translation

On November 17, 2021, the Scientific Research Committee hosted a webinar titled "Capturing the Emotional Experiences of English as a Foreign Language University Teachers: A Critical Perspective." The session was presented by Dr. Eman Alzaanin, an Assistant Professor in Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Languages and Translation, King Khalid University, Abha.

Dr. Alzaanin launched her talk by explaining that her recent research study was a fresh exploration into an area that has received minimal scholarly attention. Her research delves into the complex emotional landscape of teachers and the subsequent effects on their teaching practices.

In her presentation, Dr. Alzaanin unraveled her motivation for undertaking such research, shedding light on intriguing observations about how teachers often suppress their emotions. This repression can significantly impact their classroom approaches and their interactions with students. She presented quotes revealing the lack of extensive discussion about L2 teachers' emotions in most research and theoretical work.

Dr. Alzaanin thoroughly discussed her study's theoretical framework, context, participants, data collection methods, and data analysis. She then shared her key findings, notably that "Teaching is an emotional practice," and certain student-related issues can significantly affect teachers' passion for teaching.

The study illuminated the recurring positive emotions experienced by EFL teachers, such as happiness and pride. However, it also brought attention to their negative emotions, including anger, frustration, anxiety, sadness, and demoralization.

Dr. Alzaanin concluded her presentation with a call to action for program leaders and policymakers. She underscored the importance of offering teachers continuous professional development activities to enhance their emotional competence, thus improving their teaching efficacy and student relationships.

The webinar was enriched by the presence of Dr. Hana Al-Hudaithy and the active participation of faculty and Scientific Research Committee members, culminating in a dynamic discussion with the presenter.

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